What Color/Style of Lightsaber Would You Use?

A green version of Kylo’s saber…

cause reasons.

There actually was one of those in Rebels.
It was thousands of years old, though, and it broke.

Dark saber without question. Black of course

Green lightsaber, very similar to Luke Skywalker’s if it had Anakin’s emitter.

I actually built it.

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At Disney?
I built one there, too, but they don’t have everything there.

Double bladed Darksaber!

I would have an orange dual-phase guard shoto.

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Only thousands, you went too far back.

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A purple lightsaber the size of the Dragonslayer.

Green/yellow with a subtle curve.

I’d have a green-colored lightsaber with a nice curved hilt and possibly a ray-shield around the hilt like a cutlass so it protects my arm. Think of it like a pirate sword.

Either that or I’d take a traditional lightsaber.

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I’d like a Darksaber

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Silver Lightsaber (just add in a silver outline to the picture and you get that image) with a hilt reminiscent of real life Katana hilts.

Something similar to what Ahsoka uses.

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I’m boring, so just a traditional green :stuck_out_tongue:

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A purple Inquisitor’s saber.

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I’d definitely take a Darksaber, maybe with a crossguard. It just seems stealthier, and the flat blade is awesome. A crossguard would be a tactical advantage in a duel, but it seems a bit unwieldy, and it ruins the very streamlined look of the Darksaber.

Probably something along the lines of a blue crossguard.

I would have a double bladed light saber but instead of one color one. Blade would be green and the other would be blue and it would have lots of engravings and detail
It would also be able to split to form duel shoto blades

I would have a sextuple bladed lightsaber with all the colors of the rainbow. /s

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I would have a double-bladed blue Lightsaber, with two smaller green blades beside each blue one.