What Games are you replaying?

Upon completing my collection, I’ve been trying to replay all 32 Nancy Drew PC titles. I beat the first one in a few hours, but it’s so bad that it took the wind out of me.

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I’ve been replaying Fallout New Vegas.

I’ve played it a fair amount before but only finished one of the endings so I decided to rectify that this time around.

I’ve recently begun to replay the halo campaigns

I went out and bought a Wii long with wii fit and win sports just for the nostalgia because hey we’re both a big partner of my childhood

I’m playing through Half Life 2 agian, mainly to get some more achievements.

Skyrim never gets old.

wish I could say the same but after 3000 hours I’m pooped.


I’m currently replaying LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga, and my, the visuals have not aged well since 2007.