What Grinds Your Gears?

People who say “Bionicles”, as in “that’s a lot of Bionicles”, “I remember Bionicles”, or “Bionicles are my favorite”. It just makes me cringe slightly as opposed to saying, “Bionicle sets”.


when i’m playing Titanfall and someone just kinda stands in front of the TV…


When you’ve recorded 23 hours of footage and once you finally finish editing it it turns out to only have 6 minutes of good content.


When someone says that the star wars prequels are completely worthless.
I mean come on! Episode III had some cool moments.

The prequels do have some good moments, but overall they don’t hold up as good movies. The acting isn’t good and they’re are so many rediculous things we sometimes overlook.


when ppl tell you to shrivel up and die @Calebmar12

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Everything. - I think I mentioned this before… But given the chance, I would destroy the world 10 times over.

People who say (insert game here) is bad without any real knowledge except word of mouth.

And then I defend the game out experience and they shy away pretending they never said anything.



all those people on tumblr who keep repeating how their life sucks just to get attention


What grinds my gears?

Do you guys really want me to type a 50 paragraph essay? I’m outta here.

jeez, I coulda cut myself
at least give a warning before you whip out that edge

That being said, a lotta small things grind my gears. But what irritates me the most is when i’m talking to someone, and i get all tongue-tied. Usually I can hardly even speak normally and look like an idiot

i really hate that


The people that think Disney pays critics to bash DC’s films. It’s a very foolish assumption, and if that were true The Lego Batman Movie and The Dark Knight Trilogy would have been eviscerated by them, but no, they got strong reviews. Despite this, people insist on this. Maybe the DCEU movies get bad reviews because they happen to be crappy movies. Ever thought of that?


You have intrigued my curiosity, go write that essay on a new topic or something :stuck_out_tongue:

That reminds me of a gear grinder; people who type overly long and conveluted descriptions amd backstories for their mocs, like we have a literature category on the boards if you want to write stories.


How when i make a dumb MOC that takes me no effort whatsoever it literally gets praised by everyone
and then those custom figures on which i spend days and a friggin ton of efforts working on rarely get more than like,10 likes and 5 replies

also it’s really annoying when you get a ton of likes and 2-3 replies
i mean i value replies way more than likes so pls


This statement sums up my entire editing process for Modularity.


Ya know what grinds my gears? Of how butthurt certain admins get whenever I post something that has the littlest similarity to a topic that already exists. (I do respect the admins, just sometimes certain ones get out of control and abuse their power a little when it comes to closing topics and/or hiding them, I understand you are doing your job but please let some things slide)

@Waj Lol same

@Eljay Legitimately, thanks for the response Eljay lol

We also get “butthurt” when you double post, so how’s about not doing that, eh? Also, if you have any issue with our staff or feel that someone is abusing their power, feel free to bring it up with the hosts. We’re happy to hear you out. - Eljay

Edited for Triple Post - Waj


Old likeable users getting themselves banned.


When people say that G2 was a total failure because of the supposedly “bad story” or “bad characters” and such, even though it’s just because action figures aren’t as popular right now. When people buy sets they don’t generally even care about those things.

Final Fantasy XIII. Could’ve been a great game, but I’m sorry, I’m not going to wait 15 to 20 hours for the game to “get good”.

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