What Is The Rarest BIONICLE Mask You Own?

The old Orange Vahi from 2004.

The ones I have that Iā€™d consider rare would be a copper noble Huna, a flat gold Kraahkan, two pearl gold Kraahkan, silver Akaku and Miru Nuva, and some silver and gold Toa Mata masks.
Oh, and also a mata red noble Ruru.

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Probably my two silver Kaukau Nuva. Other than that, I donā€™t really own any particularly rare masksā€¦

My most rare Kanohi is the Golden Ignika from Toa Mata Nui!
I also have all 12 Gold and Silver Mata Kanohi , the golden Vahi , and
the activated Avohki.


Kaukau trans yelow and Kraahkan whit the 5-hole misprint


Imma just list the masks I think are somewhat rare nowadays: Mask of Creation, FDG Vahi, Tahuā€™s Hau(for some reason itā€™s pretty pricey nowadays compared to every other MATA mask), Umarakā€™s Mask of Shadows, Gold & Silver Pakari(just blā€™d 3 krana mask packs, so imma have more soon), White Pakari Nuva, White '08 Visor, Black Kaukau, Black Hau, etc.

Alright, updated list, leaving out more common masks:
Black Hau, Black Kaukau, Dark Turquoise Kakama, Blue Pakari, FDG Vahi, MoC, '08 Visor(with the fins on the back).

Less rare, but not super common masks: Silver Kaukau x2, Silver Hau, Silver Pakari, Gold Pakari, Gold Miru, Gold Kakama x2, IFDG Kualsi, etc.

You should send a picture with both masks in it, and include a piece of paper saying ā€œJebā€ on it, bcse, and I mean no offense towards you, but I highly doubt you own both.


That isnā€™t rare, 6 of them came in the Mars Mission set MT-61 Crystal Reaper, so itā€™s pretty common, actually.

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Now that I think about it, I do own a few more rare masks: x2 trans-black Kaukau, x2 brown Hau, x2 green Pakari, x3 red Akaku, x2 blue Miru, and x2 white Kakama (as far as I know, the Hau and Kaukau are the rarest in the group). Also, donā€™t ask why I have doubles of all of the rarest masks I own, since I really donā€™t know how that happened :stuck_out_tongue:


Ooo, Iā€™m jealous about the black Kaukaus. If I ever make another self-MOC, thatā€™s the mask Iā€™d want to use.

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Yeah, I knew that, but I figured itā€™d be at least somewhat rare, considering it only came in 1 non-bionicle set, so I assumed it counted as a decently rare piece.

The red hau is actually pretty pricey(compared to the other Mata masks) on BL though, so I figured I should include it. And yeah, they arenā€™t all that rare, I was including MY rarest masks, and I donā€™t really have anything thatā€™s pretty rare(although I hope to change that in the future).

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here you go sorry for the late respons no you se i ove the bof


Nice! Sorry for the skepticism, Iā€™m very wary of peopleā€™s claims online.


i know what you mean


sorry buddy, but that comes with the manas so itā€™s not really rare. Also does the solid black noble huna considered rare?

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I suppose my ā€œrarestā€ masks are the chrome silver Hau and the trans-red mask of fire from g2

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Trans Blue Mask of Creation

Are the 4 infected hau nuva masks rare?

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I wouldnā€™t say rare. More like uncommon.

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