What's going on in your life?

So recently I just made a risky investment choice hopefully it works out. If it does work this could potentially benefit my business a lot and could lead to me expanding it if not well oh well. So I got that going for me other than that I’ve been playing a lot of overwatch during my free time but on console not pc cuz I’m a peasant. Like no joke I haven’t gone and worked out since overwatch came out. That’s how much of my free time it’s consumed.

I’m well… Alive. Yey.

This community has changed a lot since I was active, there’s a lot of new faces… also @NoCashValue and @Altron seem to be dead which is a shame. They’re good people.

Anyway, for the five of you that still are around, I’m alive. I’m doing things with meds and therapy so my brain is in a much much better place now.

The site redesign is throwing me off… It’s too bright of a blue. Too much like Twitter.

So um… anyway, I hope you all have had a good… what has it been, six months? A year, depending on how you count? I’d like to kinda reintegrate back into the community, seeing as how I’m doing 'aight. I’d like to get up to date on stuff that’s happened since I’ve been off the radar.

I call upon the old gods, @Political_Slime, @John_Smith, @Vuhii, @OculusNuva, @Ekorak, @Nyran, @Scarilian, @Ventum, @Payinku @Pot8o and @anon68675807.

And also hi to the majority of you who are too new to know me. =3


Welcome back :slight_smile:

Welcome back.
(I guess my first post didn’t take :grimacing:)




how’s it been?


RIP when new rules are new.

I am gladdened by the lone fact that I am remembered.

It’s been alright. I’m getting things on track, finally. How about yourself?


That’s great! Good to hear.

I’ve been alright myself.

welcome back, bio

Howdy Bio. Been a long time.

Glad to see you back in action and the like. Really happy you’re doing better now, and I look forward to maybe talking to you again once more ^^

I’m graduating from college tonight. 'Tis the season.


Bio! You’re alive!
Glad to have you back man.

Things have gotten a little, chaotic while you were gone, I would know, I took a hiatus a few months back myself, have fun adjusting. :stuck_out_tongue:

Btw, I’ve kept chibidunka around, he’s been representing for 07 on my g1 shelf.


Boiiii indeed it has been. I will definitely be talking with you!

It’s been… strange. It’s familiar but too different…

I love you Yinky Doodle.

I’m not sure if I’m /s-ing that or not.
~s? \s? ||s??? I dunno man.


holy crap bio lives

hope it goes well coming back :slight_smile:

Technically I don’t remember you, cause I joined after you left, but I have seen some of your old posts and you seem to have left a pretty decent impression.

So I’m done with the 3 Finals I had to take and I decided to watch Gravity Falls.

I finished it a few minutes ago and I literally cried in the ending. Great show!

And on a minimal side note I’ve been trying to make some drawings of all the summer villains together, but this week I have had my ups and downs so it will take more time to finish it than I expected…


Well, since I now know this topic is a thing, I figured I may as well chime in.

Today (the 10th) has marked a year since I graduated from High School, and it feels so weird knowing it’s been a year already. If I’m being honest, I still have no idea what I’m doing, but I’m doing my best to keep my head up. So there’s that.

Oh, also, I’m looking forward to what will be going on in the Summer. I plan to try and churn out some more MOCs, along with other things (Maybe a story in the works? Only time will tell). So we’ll see how that goes. For the time being though, I’m just sitting around playing Warframe until motivation/inspiration hits me with a MOC idea. So that’s fun.

But yeah, just a general post. Hope everyone is doing well! ^^


I finally got my driver’s license.

Watch out, world. A low-energy teen with poor eyesight and a tendency to daydream is now operating a motor vehicle. :sunglasses: Be very afraid.

Also, I recently started writing an original story. It’s really exciting to create a world from scratch, especially when designing characters. (This also encouraged me to get back into drawing.)




BIO [s][/s] [s][/s] BIIIIOOOOO

Welcome back!


yay he remembers m-

nevermind then.

Altrons still alive