What's going on in your life?

On the bright side, sounds like you’ve got a long and fruitful Country music career ahead of you.


I hope it’s not this big


I knows that this is a joke in all, but how you lose a left pinky?


This basically sums up my life as well, just add hates work, finances, and no social life/close friends.
I have used Lego as my outlet but after moving last year I don’t really have that much space to get them out that often…Good thing LDD exists.


Just because there’s a lot of more personal stuff in this topic, I think that this community is so great(and I mean this, for everyone to be able to open up to one another is very nice) that we forget that anyone can view this site, this topic in particular, whether they have a profile or not. Sure, it’s difficult to sift through and find these more sensitive and personal topics with the thousands upon thousands of topics on the Boards, but just be cautious what you’re putting out here for the world to see. It’s still out here. Maybe a community PM for venting and stuff would be a better alternative to this.


Personally I don’t care if some scrub on the other side of the planet finds out about my girlfriend or my existential depression. It’s not like anything could ever come of it.

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I think @squeaverking is talking about the nitty gritty details of people’s personal problems. Not so much just things like having depression or a girlfriend, just saying those things are more general statements, and not a lot is gained by someone knowing that knowledge. However if there could be some other stuff wrapped up in there that you wouldn’t want other people reading about.

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I’m just saying a big ol community pm for this is a better alternative


I like the sound of this. Though there are several problems with this though. There is no way to easily invite every member on the boards. In order to get this done, it would require the mods to tediously invite every single individual member. And what would we do about new members who join after the pm is created?

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Or you can just get small groups of buddies together. I wouldn’t gather too many people because of the PM rules about max posts.


thete are 11 people in my house, there are 5 beds, Im sleeping on the balcony in a chair

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I did that for about a week or two a couple years ago during summer break. It was pretty fun.

Just got back from camping, and I’ve recently got into D&D


Slowly wasting away as I count down the days until my summer ends and I am torn back into academic life, cursing myself as I let such precious time in my life slip through my procrastinating hands.

And listening to the Persona 5 soundtrack because that stuff lit fam :joy::ok_hand::100::100:


Well besides spending all day sleeping and all night working as a mall janitor, there’s nothing else really going on in my life, besides the relevancy of this meme.


i just shattered my phone on concrete


How could this happen to you.

I’m still working on my MG Zaku II

You know, the one I got for Christmas…

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it slipped outta my hands

needless to say i feel really stupid

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Was it like this?