What's Worse? Open Ball Joints or Open Sockets

Sockets. They’re empty heartless monsters when you take away the ball joint.


Open sockets. At least with a balljoint it’s just taking up space, but an open socket just begs for something to be put there.

I would say both equally, it all depends on how you use them and where.

Cause open sockets can be viable as legs, like here.


Well, at the same time-


Open balljoints. Because when it’s the lower arm piece, open sockets can be seen as hands or claws as it did with two 2005 titan sets.

I would say it depends but most of the time they are open sockets but i still use them, sometimes

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It comes down to whichever is used less prudently. I think open ball joints are a more versatile design element than open sockets, but they can both work if used right.

Exhibit A:


I saw a bootleg that was exactly like that but black XD

There was an official combination model between Onua and Potato Mata that was a Fikou, but black…


Oh, I never ever knew that

Open sockets definitely

I’d say it depends on the piece. Storm Beast has open sockets that don’t bother me, but then on other sets that do have it, it’s really annoying. Then there’s the more common ball-joints. On Toxic Reapa it doesn’t bother me, but it does with other sets. Honestly I can only specify with ones that don’t bother me because they are more peaceful and easy to cope with. If the socket/joint isn’t that gaping or presence-declaring, then it’s not too bad.