What's Your MOC Setup Like?

I was just wondering what your guys setup is like for taking pictures of your mocs? pictures if possible.

Light box, lamps and self built camera stand (made from Bionicle bits) for my iPad/tablets.


Here’s my current MOC setup:
Step 1: Take the Camera and MOC outside.
Step 2: Place the MOC down, and start taking pictures.
Step 3: Upload pictures to TTV.

Final result looks like this:

(MOC used is an example)

I have a better MOC setup planned for when I move;
Step 1: Take the background outside.
Step 2: Take the MOC and Camera outside.
Step 3: Put the MOC on the background, and take pictures.
Step 4: Upload pictures to TTV.

Final result will look like this:

Combined with this:

(MOCs used are examples)


I think you meant “IPad” right?

Get a large sheet of paper and lie it against a surface.

Place the MOC down, pose it, and take pictures.

It doesn’t matter if your lightings bad, just edit the picture later (see above). If you don’t have that ability, just make sure you have good lighting, or go outside during the day.

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Black posterboard, a lamp, and another piece of posterboard for the bottom.

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A shelf, an ipad and a flashlight.

I don’t make mocs (look at any of the ones I have made to see why), but if I did i’d probably just have a clean desk with a lamp illuminating it (Where I do a lot of photography for toys)

A good camera is also useful.

Step 1, get a phone or camera
Step 2, search for a random wall/furniture
Step 3, place the moc in front of it
Step 4, take pics

My own white background is just white posterboard. The others are either on the picnic table behind the house or on the mantle in the living room.

I use a phone to take the pictures.


black table, white wall, occasionally a piece of paper on the table for taking pics of weapons, and that is it. i am not kidding

Edited Title for Capitalization - TOM

a door
a camera and the moc