Wonderful Books You Had To Read for School

If it makes you feel better, no mockingbird ever dies


I’m rather fond of Lord of the Flies for the simple implication that without order, societ kinda crumbles. For me the book feels like a study of how the author would see most people in the situation and despite it being written years ago, it’s still pretty relevant today imo without being too tacky or forced with its messages.

Honestly it’s my favorite out of the books I read in school. It’s short and concise with little filler. It has a lot to talk about without shoving it in your face too hard like I find Animal Farm to.


Of course the usual ones you’d hear, To Kill a Mockingbird and Of Mice and Men, but also this really good book called the Absolutely True Diary of a Part Time Indian.


I did the Sonlight curriculum for my homeschool, so I read a lot of good books, but the best by far were, The Cricket In Times Square, Frindle, Toothpaste Millionaire, The Giver, Out of the Silent Planet & Perlandria, Right Ho Jeeves, and Animal Farm.


Dude! Me and @Toa_Radrix use the exact same curriculum!

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I read this in school too. I wasn’t a big fan when reading it initially, but after a few years I feel I’d like it a lot more of I reread it.

And another I almost forgot about(even though it’s earlier in this topic listed by someone else) but really liked was Flowers for Algernon.

And while we never read it in school, some other good stories (or so I’ve heard) I really want to read but haven’t gotten to yet are Player Piano and A Clockwork Orange.