World War III (RP topic)

ooc: If the jets were flying low enough, Jake could shoot the wings, creating an effect that not only slows the jet down, but could cause it to crash. It’s been done before.

OOC: Can you give me a strong example?

ooc: In WWII, soldiers would often shoot down low-flying planes.

OOC: It is kinda hard for me to believe. Plus, the jets are too high in the sky.
IC: Athena could be seen entering in an abandoned store.

ooc: ok.
ic: Jake pointed.“There! I see Athena!”

Vlad saw her and drove towards her.

Jake opened the door. “Hey! Athena! Get in!”

Athena saw the two. She exited the shop and entered the car on the back seat.
“Thank you so much guys!”

Willie was lying on the seat beside her. He crawled over to sniff her, as dogs do.

Athena let him do this.

He lays his head on her lap and goes back to sleep.

It would be kinda heard, seeing that Vlad was driving at a high speed. Occassionally, there were also fight jets swooping in the sky.


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