Worst Animated Movies, TV Shows, and Commercials

I don’t need to talk about this…


After reading this topic, I decided to share MY horrifying experience with you all. The abomination you see here is known as “Commander Safeguard”, and it is a terrible tv show from Pakistan, where my parents came from. It was created by a soap company in a last ditch effort to sell their products to kids. I discovered it on a visit to Pakistan to see some relatives, and I was scarred for life.

I saw that when I was visiting family in India.

And I was only five.

And I left scarred for life.

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Movies: Probably this Korean animated movie I watched called Super Kids, it’s really bad. It looks sort of like a DBZ rip off, but it actually is something even worse. Never want to see anything like it ever again. Foodfight would also be a contender.

TV Shows: The Nutshack. Not even gonna try explaining this one.

Commercials: This thing


It kinda looks like Ronald was auditioning for the role of Freddy Krueger.

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This is what happens when you upset the dark lord.

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The UK did some really weird stuff with the Bionicle commercials.

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Despite the really bad ones, there are a few good ones out there that tend to be forgotten.