You decide what happens next!

Deez nut guy was running around, laughing.

One of the Barron’s subs knocked against Deez nuts guy, turning him into another sub.

Please stop bringing him back, he’s very annoying.


The toa terrain crawler torpedoed the enemy subs as they descended deeper. Eventually, the crawler stopped near shore. "This is as far as we can take you. The engine is just up ahead on land, " said Maturo. Suddenly, Barron blade appeared and ambushed the toa McMahri. “Go on without us!” Said McKongu. Good guy swiped the hype train engine and ran away as fast as he could, heading back for the statue…

… but the statue was guarded by good guy 07!

“You!”, Said good guy. “Yes, it is I good guy 07! You better give me that engine or else.”, Threatened good guy 07. “Why?”, responded good guy.

But suddently the statue exploded.

Barron blade appeared next to the explosion. “It’s over good guy.”, he shouted. Good guy was shocked. This meant the bad guy actually won. Good guy looked around and at the beach on the ocean he saw a toa canister. He jumped in. He knew the only way to save the world from Barron blade was the get the mask of life.

Suddently somebody knocked in the canister.

Good guy opened the canister. He walked out onto the beach. He looked around for the person who has knocking. It was none other than…

Michael Jackson.

He started dancing and singing while good guy started his trek to find the mask of life.

As good guy swam underwater, he saw the mask of life. “I found the mask!” he exclaimed. Suddenly, Good Guy was grabbed by barron blade and lifted into the air. “I believe the mask belongs to me.” he said.

Jackson shot Blade in the head and took the Mask.
“Nah, it’s mine!”

Jackson used the mask to revive the statue and teleport good guy to the statue.

… Before he teleported himself next to him. However, Michael made a mistake and now instead of Matorans the robot was full of…

Evil creatures made up only of lime green pieces. Good guy watched as Jackson died, because he used the mask of life.

OOC: Why everybody kills my characters?

Solek’s voice appeared in good guy’s head. “good guy, its solek. Use your solekian powers!” good guy concentrated. He summoned a solekimu hammer made of light and obliterated the lime green monsters. “Good job,” said Solek’s voice. “I am at the top of the robot. Hurry!” Good guy entered a room where the TTV cast was being held hostage! Good guy removed the duct tape from eljay’s mouth and eljay said…

OOC: @Toa_Vladin I only did because using the mask of life kills the user. Sorry.

IC: “good guy. You don’t have much time. We thought it was the last we would ever hear of him, but he came back to get us. Solek doesn’t know he’s there.”
“Who?”, Good guy asked. In a very serious tone Eljay replied,”The one who haunts TTV and there fans night mares, the one who shall not be named, you know who he is, it’s none other than…