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back in black

hit the sack

I’m just glad to be back


My exact reaction to this meme


Since I’m finally trying starting to get into animating, I’ve decided to fully embrace the cartoonish style that I love drawing in. So, no more weird, semi-realistic drawings this time…Just a straight up cartoon. (Inspired by the designs of the original Clone Wars series.)

ignore the lazy gradient and the lack of a body


duuude this is sick

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I remember when you could kid yourself for loosing it once.

Besides, you could have at least congratulate him. - Clearly it means something to Maximus if he was determined enough to get it.

Speaking of avatars… I think about making an actual artwork of the glorious Kamina Olmak.

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it has been almost a month since joe said that lmao

I remember when you could kid yourself for having such fantastic grammar. Joe was just telling him that it doesn’t really give you much difference a month ago.
Lay off.

lol sorry, phone doesn’t display dates. :confused:

Excuse you?

When? How? What even? - And why you of all people would know anything about me? - We talked like two, maybe three times… I’m also very self-critical about my grammar and I’m aware that it isn’t the best. I seriously don’t recall when I could “kid myself” about it.

I will play the Devil’s Advocate here and say that it is definitely not pleasant to be shut down like this when you achieved something you worked for. - Just because it doesn’t make much difference doesn’t mean you should mention it.

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Shouldn’t you have still known it was around a month ago?

well like i mean

you dont have to talk to the dude for him to see the posts youve made

master is worth nothing lmao

But does that make you entitled to ruin it for someone? Even if it is of little consequence.

I never openly gloated about my grammar, come to think of it, not even privately.

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no one ruined it for anyone

he’s expressing an opinion that its worthless

and from my perspective, it is as well

no one said you had though

oh really?

Then I guess this sentence was never written and I’m seeing things.

Anyways, this is getting off-topic, message me privately if you really have the need to keep going.

Really, because mine does.

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also why do you have a love for bad memes?

Top right of the post.

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I warned you guys.

So long, topic.