Zeren 2018


Armed with a sawed-off shotgun and a powerful sniper rifle, this inter-galactic bounty hunter is prepared for any threat.
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It’s a new year so its time for a new Zeren. With a lot of help from all you guys, he’s looking the best he’s ever looked, and quite possibly the best he’ll ever look.

I’ve said before that the MOC was perfect, but this time I’m really struggling to think of improvements to be made. The red was the smartest addition to this MOC, and now with the removal of gold he’s starting to look less like a Toa, and more like the space marine soldier that he was always meant to be (hence the retconned story).

I really doubled down on the space soldier influences this time around, pulling from Samus, Doomguy, Master Chief, and the Titan Spectre armor from Destiny.

Special thanks to LA Miranda, Constraction Deva, and Djokson for helping this version come to life. their input and techniques went the longest way for this new version, and I couldn’t be more grateful.


make him beat up an imp

really liking it

but, does he rip and tear?


This looks so cool. I was going to say a specific part I liked the best, but the whole thing looks so good I can’t!

fantastic shaping!

This is awsome I wish I could make mocs this good

Those hands are awesome! I’ve never that technique before

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Really striking colors and a really solid build! Awesome work here!

Those hands…

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Thanks guys!

Glad you like it! I’m happy to hear the DOOM influence shows up.

until it is done

Glad you like him! You can definitely improve with enough time and practice. And never be afraid to ask for help from those better than you. I had a ton of help for his MOC, and even the best of the best ask for advice on their MOCs.

Thanks! Aren’t they wonderful hands? Djokson uses them all the time, but I’m not quite sure who invented them.


I really like the colors, really vibrant

It’s pretty awesome. For your next version (if one is made) I’d suggest adding more weaponry. Possibly a minigun?

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