

Hello. As it states, my name is Bio Toa7. I've been a fan of Bionicle ever since the glatorian age of G1, with my first set being Mata Nui. I also do 3D modeling with Blender in which I am using it to help build a fan made sequel to Lego Universe called Lego Nexus Adventures(LNA). On there I am known as Assemdox and as you could guess, I am doing 3D modeling for them. We might be a small team of people but we are passionate about what we do. I do sometimes upload videos to my youtube account(it's the same as my name here, in which I would ilke to restructure it to show off better what I am doing for LNA) I do have a 3D printer to help me when I am making/ modeling Lego-compatible pieces.
If you have any questions or would like to know more , feel free to message me.

Website for LNA: