January 26, 2015, 10:21pm
Continuing the discussion from BIONICLE 2015 Discussion Topic :
Okay so
I got a rough translation for episode 7 so far
In the centre of okoto, there is an ancient city, where the mask makers used to make masks.
the heroes have arrived
Destined to…uh…dont know this part, gonna guess it means to waken ekimu?
the heroes were conversing for the first time
“hello I am tahu, master of fire! the prohecy has made me the leader of you all!”
“What?!/excuse me?! has the fire burnt your mind? (or some kind of insult along those lines) I am kopaka! and I am leaded by no one!”
tahu and kopaka fight
“stop it!” says gali
“ha ha stop battling you two, no matter we will need a leader” says onua
“so lets vote!” gali continues
“I vote onua, he knows how to get people by there heads!” lewa replies
“say, we seem to have company” pohatu interupts
Episode 8:Tahu: Who is that…“thing”?
Pohatu: The Lord of the Skull Spiders,we can’t be more fast than him.
Kopaka: Stay cool,i can freeze that insect.
Lewa: mff,you’re too slow Kopaka
Gali: The water will take him away.
Tahu: Leave that to the Master of Fire (FIYAAAA).
Onua: We have to act together!
Narrator: The six heroes joined together and attacked like they were a single force.
Tahu: Onua,NOW!!!
Gali: We’ve done it!! If they join together,the masks have the power to defeat evil!
Episode 9 : Narrator: The Lord of Skull Spider…was finally defeated.
Pohatu: Who know how it was here once.
Tahu: Shh,shut up!I can hear that strange voice in my head,again!
Ekimu(well,that escalated quickly): I am Ekimu,the mask maker.You all have shown great courage,you’re heroes! But now,you all must hurry,and find the place where i rest!
Gali: We must find Ekimu before evils.
Lewa: Find something among this ruins is like “trying to find a needle in a haystack” !
Onua: Oh!The masks will lead us!
Pohatu: I don’t like this place…there’s something bad here.
Of course the first thing Tahu and Kopaka do when they meet each other is start a fight
So it seems LOSS is just a guardian of the ancient city. Meaning our other skull villains are guardians as well. (most likely)
This is pretty similar to the guardians of the Mask of Life.
And would we expect anything less?
January 27, 2015, 6:05pm
That’s kinda what I was thinking.
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January 28, 2015, 2:22pm
Except that LOSS and the Skull Spiders were seemingly trying to attack the Protectors and steal the Golden Masks, too, which had not much to do with the Ancient City.
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