Welcome to 30 Minute MOCS.
Every Tuesday, on The TTV Message Boards, I will post a MOC built in 30 Minutes.
At the Comments section of the post, you can suggest a future 30 Minute MOCS.
1-2 challenges will be chosen at the bottom of each post. (but not this one since it’s the first)
Now, onto the MOC, and Challenge.
Today’s Challenge is:
Build a Matoran form for Marrow. (Future MOC/Secondary Self-MOC)
(“Optional”: Include a function)
That’s all for today, leave your ideas for a future 30 Minute MOCS in the comments.
(This Idea was inspired by Play Stippling, so go check him out on YouTube. [Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCj89GQIGrKmr8yzRYfNDwCQ])
@Rockho Thanks! @nexolo That’s how I just design my Matoran I guess. @decepticonaiden Yeah, he’s a pretty cool dude. (I guess I can see why so many people have made 30 Minute MOCS as well) @Sushiyoda Sadly, I haven’t posted, or finished the Toa form of Marrow yet. He’s about half-way done currently, so expect him in a month or two. Thanks, also.
Oh Hey, I’m happy that someone else is making 30 minute MOCs! Have you seen mine?
Your MOC is very simple in its build, but also very nice looking! I like how the translucent elements stand out. I think your serie would benefit from having a different background (maybe a monochrome one, if you can find one) and more light.