Is anybody else getting a pop up whenever you try to like or post something or create a new topic.
the Pop up Says
403 Forbidden
I just want to know if it is not just me?
Is anybody else getting a pop up whenever you try to like or post something or create a new topic.
the Pop up Says
403 Forbidden
I just want to know if it is not just me?
Yep, this is an error across the whole Site. We’re gonna do our best to fix it.
Yes, I get the same pop up
Yop. I just got it as I tried to post this.
For some strange reasons I even got a pop up which says
403 OK
Apparently it’s forbidden for me to like anything you post.
He will fall from his forbidden throne, we must all be strong until then.
This error is messing with my posting mojo. Just keep clicking OK and Reply. It should go through eventually.
boards are being super picky
it’s like it chooses what i can like and post because of this
I also got the same message,too.
This is definitely annoying. I seriously don’t even…
I’m also finding that “unread” topics stay “unread” until the boards feel like I’ve read them.
On the sixth day of christmas, TTV gave to me; A broken message board
Yep. Getting them as well.
I’ve been getting this as well. Really annoying.
It started for me after coming to this topic.
So far it’s just been likes that have been blocked.