7000 BC. Fall of Atlantis - RP Topic

Teacher slowly gripped his skull staff.
“What should I do?” He asked Dragonborn.

“If you want the Thonto, buy the information and use it now. Or use it to prove to the government that their supply system has faults, or whatever you want with it. It is not up to me how the knowledge is used after it is bought. As for the bounty hunter, keep an eye out. You will likely be followed when you leave me. You should be fine though. Making the best informant in the city mad at you tends to be a bad business strategy, and killing my customers isn’t a way to get to my good side.” Dragonborn says as he walks. “And if there is a price on my head there will be one fewer bounty hunter to worry about.”

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Teacher sighed as he shoved several heavy coins into Dragonborn’s palms hastily.
“Tell me what you know.”

Dragonborn smiles behind his mask, then hands Teacher a scroll. “Here is the list of all potential weak points, guard changes, and the intervals lookouts move about on the boat. My sources have been unable to determine when it will be moved, so time is of the essence. If you can move undetected then you are more likely to get on from the water side rather than the dock side. There is also a way to contact a black market buyer for the thonto so that selling it won’t track back to you.” Dragonborn turns around. “Now I have a bounty hunter to attend to.” He walks back to the dragon gate.


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Gorga calmly folds her arms.
“Interesting conversation you had there. Sounds like a lot of fun.”

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“I’m sure Teacher would appreciate some help. Unless there is some other information you desire.” Dragonborn says.

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With that, Teacher nodded, slipping away into the darkness.

Before he left, however, Teacher turned back to the Leper’s assistant.
“Tell me, where is the Leper currently residing now?” He asked.

“You think I’m a bounty hunter, don’t ya? Do you have a bounty?” Gorga replied smoothly.

It might be difficult to reach the royal’s castle by land, as the center ring of the City of Atlantis. They would need a ship to reach it.[quote=“Toa_Vladin, post:159, topic:50523”]
“But you know that we are Romans, as it seems.”

“I recognized the language. I have met merchants in their past who’ve had their own lust of gold…”

Elion could be seen passing by Gorga and the rest, the eagle commander glancing at them, while his troops march along. The Eagle Unit wasn’t guarding the Thonto anymore…
@meepinater, @TBT_Emerald

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They looked for a place to rent a boat. [quote=“Jcton, post:171, topic:50523”]
I recognized the language. I have met merchants in their past who’ve had their own lust of gold…"

“Aha… so, may I see your leader?”

The two places they could search for such a boat is either at the West Port, or the North Port, from where they arrived. The second ring was in between the prince and his goal. This second ring housed most of the city’s military and getting by this ring without an invite would be rather difficult.

“Whom do you think you are speaking to?”

“Easy assumption. I have had many bounties out for me, and there have been many times I have been tailed for them. Alas, I am currently unaware of a bounty on my head right now, which means that there isn’t one considering whom you are talking to.”

Dragonborn hesitates before yelling in an animal tongue. A flock of wyverns take off in the direction of the thonto ship.

Gorga nodded.
“Well, if you don’t have a bounty, I suppose I can’t turn you in. Should I inform the cops in this place, or do you have a better idea?”

“What you do is not my concern. Information is my business, not what people do with what I sell them. Although I will admit that I have ways of protecting my customers for a small time afterwards. Pretty good business decision. Many have returned because of that complimentary service.” Dragonborn rambles, “But is there something you wish to know? And do you have my price?”

They go through this one.

“A general?”

They would be stopped by the guardsman of the second ring. The gates were closed.
One guardsman spoke up,
“Who are you and what is your purpose here?”
The guardsman bore the emblem of a bear, he continued,
“Are you some sort of lost merchant’s child?”

“No… I am the leader of this fine land.”
The native said narrowing his eyes.

The wyverns would see a new group of soldiers one bearing the emblem of a lion prepare as they are about to leave with the thonto.

Another ship would come into view as a royal looking ship. It sailed through the first gate, the soldiers saluting it.

“Men bola kabi, hayvonlarga o’xshaymanmi?”

“The whole island?”

Gorga drew a knife and balanced it on her fingers.
“I want to know why I shouldn’t turn you in. Raiding a supply ship doesn’t exactly sound legal.”

“I’m not the one raising the ship.” Dragonborn says, “The police know how useful I am as well. Now if you don’t want to do business, I will take my leave.” As he walks away he turns back to Gorga one last time. “By the way, if you need someone to watch, I would keep an eye on the Romans in the city. They are likely to become enemies of the state.”

Dragonborn hears the wyverns report, and rushes toward the dock. Along the way he makes a quick stop to take the mask off and switch robes. Alumatix then hurries down there to try to head off Teacher, or lay some cover fire to help him escape."

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I am not at liberty to say Sir…” smiled the associate, “but I suspect he will come looking for you again should you have need of him… Or he you” and with that the assosciate receded into the shadows.

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