~A Boards Story~ Chapter 2- Written by Moa

A Boards Story: Chapter 2, Introduction Part 2

July 5, 2016, Blue/Main/Our Universe
Last time, on Boards Story Z…

An awkward silence filled the large room. Despite there being many platters of food (pasta!) that had been given put to everyone, no one was hungry.

@Political_Slime turned to the other mods sitting next to him. “It’s OK, I’ll take over from here.”

The other Mods left. Everyone noticed that they had a relived but somewhat worried look on their faces.

@Chilly spoke up. “To be frank, I can tell you’re hiding something- and I think both I and the rest of us wish to know what it is.”

Everyone somberly shook their heads in agreement.

@Politcal_Slime finally said, “He’s from an alternate universe. He has an Olmak.”

The entire dining hall practically went insane. @Hutere shouted over the voices, “Do you think you can be a little clearer?!”

@Political_Slime said in response, “I’m sorry… I just didn’t even know how to start to explain this.” He continued, “You guys remember the TTV Civil War, right?”

Everyone shook there heads, and despite the situation, some had a few smiles on their faces.

“Well it was a little less funny in this “Alternate” or “Gray” Universe” @Ninjanicktf questioned, “Why is it called that?” @Political_Slime responded, “I assumed the answer would be a little obvious. The colors of the boards there are gray.”


The voice came from the back of the room, and sitting there in one of the chairs was none other than @Radiation-7901. “Woah! How long were you sitting there @Radiation-7901?” said Hewks. “I always was… I was just listening to Slime.”

“Ok, so that’s another person to show up. We’re going to need as many people as we can get anyway. So, this guy- we don’t know his name yet- killed @Eljay. Only problem is, in “Gray Universe” Eljay has a Olmak, and a fully functioning one at that. But the device he uses to ban people was more effective on citizens of his Universe. This is why not a single master has been banned yet.”

Swiftly, through the still gaping hole in the door way, came @Ultimate_TChalla. “I hope I didn’t miss anything too important.” @Chilly stated, “Um you actually missed a lot, but essentially EVIL EVIL ANTI MOD is basically attacking our world.” @Ultimate_TChalla was (no kidding) surprised. @Political_Slime said, “So… @Umarak and @moa haven’t shown up yet.”

As if on cue, @Umarak came crashing through the ceiling and landed on the table. (To be more descriptive: Remember that one mini-comic from the Mask of Control app?) And sitting on his shoulder, was none other than @Moa. Everyone was staring. “Told ya they’d like our entrance!” @Moa said to @Umarak.

@Dragon_Ben then spoke to break another long pause of silence, “Isn’t @Moa looking 10x dumber than he usually is?” @Moa pondered for a moment for what to say. “Hmm… one day, you’re going to drop a glass of water and it will shatter. Then, you’ll need a maid.”

@Political_Slime finally said, “Enough! I’m happy we are all mainly here but this is getting too silly for the time being. @Moa get off the table.” Again, everyone awkwardly stared. No one had ever really seen Slime like this before. @Moa happily jumped off the table, and into the second to last chair.

“Back to business. Supposedly he’s been banning these users in secret for a few months now. He has the power to make it seem as if they are just inactive while banned, and this is how they appeared all at once to have been banned.”

Everyone just looked at him when he stopped talking. “…That’s it?” said @Umarak. “That’s really all we know?”

Before he could respond, Ninja interrupted. “Now that I think about it… How do you know all of this?”

“Oh… He’s me.”

This once again shook the room into an uproar. “Settle down. He’s not really me. I don’t even know his name. He’s me from an alternate universe of course. When he entered this universe, this glitch in the Matrix was recognized, so we shared the same mind for a while. The link is broken now though.” said Slime.

It was @Moa’s turn to say a sarcastic comment. “So he’s @Political_Slime Black from an alternate universe? Total +1 in my book to anyone who understood that.” Everyone rolled their eyes. @Hutere mumbled to himself, “How is he not even fazed by this?”

Slime’s PM phone started ringing all of a sudden. Almost as soon as he picked it up, he dropped it. “Masters: @Joe’s been banned!”

Hope you enjoyed once again! I tried to work on grammar, and I didn’t type with a phone this time, so it should benefit. Also, @Sammythekat recommended I use paragraph form, which worked out well. See you in chapter 3! Link:


4 posts were merged into an existing topic: ~A Boards Story~ Chapter 1- Written by Moa

This may be some form of irony. I’m not sure, but there’s no reason to create separate topics for different chapters of a series. You can just update the one you have. Thanks :wink:.

– Waj