A Chima and BIONICLE crossover story

Once upon a time in the land of Chima there was a lion named Laval,
who found a mystical portal. “Woah, a mystical portal!” Said Laval. All
of a sudden a red figure stepped out of the portal. “Who are you?!”
asked Laval. “I am Tahu toa Nuva of fire!” Said Tahu. “Where are you
from!?” Asked Laval. “The island of Mata Nui.” Replied Tahu. I came here
to warn you of an impending doom."

                                     **TO BE CONTINUED**

ULTIMATE CROSSOVER DETECTED!!! Watch out, everybody!


This just blows TTV INFINITY out of the water!

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I know right!

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satire at its finest


“What is the impending doom?” Asked Laval. “The EVVVVVIIILLL Makuta!”
Replied Tahu. “He is going to destroy everythiiiiiiiiiiiiing.” FAR AWAY"I shall destroy everything." A strange being said. BACK IN CHIMA"I
must warn the other tribes!" Thought Laval. All of a sudden a huge
laser blast hit the ground near Laval. Then a raven glider swooped down
and took Laval somewhere. As Laval regained conciousness he found
himself in a dark room. “Where am I?” Asked Laval.Clean it all, it must be cleaned. Clean it all, it must be cleaned.Clean it all, it must be cleaned.Clean it all, it must be cleaned.All of a sudden the lights turned back on and there were ravens!“Woah the ravens!” What’s that on their faces?All
of a sudden something brown and really fast went through the room and
knocked out the ravens. The brown figure looked at Laval and said “I am
pohatu toa of stone.”“What was that on the raven’s faces?” Asked Laval. “Krana.” Replied Pohatu. “They were put there by the bohrok.”“Bohrok?” Laval asked. “What are bohrok?” TO BE CONTINUED…


“No time time to explain.” Replied Pohatu. “Here take this.” Pohatu
threw a strange object at Laval." “It’s a kanohi Hau, mask of shielding.
It should protect you.” Said Pohatu. All of a sudden Pohatu ran away.
“What am I going to do now?” Laval said to himself.

Laval was walking home he noticed something. There was a strange
glowing object from the bushes. “DON"T TOUCH THAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT!” Said
a strange figure who was lunging at him. “If you touch it it will curse
you forever.” A strange creature emerged out of the shadows and took
the strange object. “NOOO! THE IGNIKA!” Yelled the strange green
figure." The strange green person then ran after the creature.

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I am so mad you never finished this epic tale.

They all died.

The end.

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I am very relieved now. The suspense was too much. Thanks.

Great story though, made me laugh a lot!

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