A couple of critters

I’m trying to find ways to stop myself from diving back into One Piece for a bit as it is distracting me from homework. Which means I can finally start to chip away at this massive backlog of Mocs that I have photos of. By this point all of the Mocs are pretty old, but still, better way late than never I suppose. Anyway, here are just a couple of fun little builds I did a while ago. They aren’t anything special, just some fun idea I had.

First up is the oldest one. I call it the Hydra dog

For being such a simple build, that last photo is a pretty good pose, if I do say so myself.

Next up, I don’t really have a name for this as I just built it one day.

This thing came about because I thought it would be cool to put the top jaw from crystal beast on top of the creature head. I’m pretty proud of at least the head part.

Finally this is less of a critter, but still. I believe the dude’s name is Junkrat and I think the mech thing had a name too, but it’s lost to the ages.

Welp, there goes a small amount of my backlog. Man, I really miss my parts. C&C appreciated as always, though I’m sure it’s not super relevant anymore as I’m pretty sure at least two of these are taken apart now. Have a good day!


I saw this after the newer post and I think that one has enough legit critique for old MOCs, so let’s go with bits for this one

imagine walking around with no ankle joints (I also don’t think I’ve seen a MOC be almost solid keetorange before)

the Fan-Tailed Ekimu Snake

consistent coloration or styling are both sacrificed for maximum firepower


That’s a critter if I’ve ever seen one.

The contrast between this simple build and the more complex one immediately after it is hilarious.


So true, lol


I like the rahkshi dog.

This thing is cool too, nice little fin on the head.