A.I. Artwork, Lensa

I don’t think there’s much danger of artists being put out of business. An AI picture is nice, but it has more meaning when you have the same thing made by a human. That’s the difference between merely a “cool” picture and a piece of true art.


I agree with @Takutanuva on this one. I definitely think that AI art will very likely be implemented a lot on an industrial scale, but I doubt that it will be able to replace real artists completely. There’s a lot more authenticity and value in an artwork produced by a real person. When you order an artist to draw something for you or draw something yourself (if you have enough experience), you have a lot more control over the end result, compared to when you try produce something with an AI, since it cannot think, it doesn’t have a mind of its own. Basically, all it does is takes traits from pre-existing images and mashes them into one image, which is very far from actual creative process.

Though, as soon as it learns how to “think”, we artists will be doomed lol


These are really cool, but what’s that behind you?

What is it?!


I think what we’re ignoring is that AI feeds on stolen artwork while many who are using it are making a profit. It’s not worrying about becoming “obsolete” but that AND having your work stolen from you and placed in a souless amalgam


Oh yeah, I’m aware of the stolen art problem. It’s definitely a major factor in why I despise AI art for the most part, I just felt that it wasn’t very relevant to this discussion in particular


Thats my shoulder boy. What? You don’t have one?

Its a bit more nuisance than that, these images aren’t just stolen pictures with a face transplanted over them, they’re all entirely built from the ground up based off of the A.I.’s ability to algorithm common lines of contrast, shaded areas, and proportions to what similar photos have within the photograph.

Its no more stolen than anyone else is stealing from seeing a photo and becoming inspired to make their own in a similar stylization. If trying to recreate a style was considered stealing, most people’s artwork could be considered stolen-as we are often inspired from one another.

This type of system is simply an advanced algorithm that used common patterns found within a ‘selfie’ and has broken it down into a pattern


I thought I was the only one

Taking inspiration is one thing, as you only take some traits from someone else’s work and adapt them to fit your own art style. But if you were to feed a lot of the same artist’s works to an AI, it would create a carbon copy of that person’s art style. I think those are quite different

Yeah, it’s definitely not that simple, but I still think that if an artist didn’t permit their works to be used for, let’s call it “AI training”, it should be considered art theft… just my opinion though


Well, I agree about art styles. However, the human mind is so complex that the AI would not be able to perfectly replicate a specific artist’s work for every input. If you were to give the same input to an artist and the AI, you would have differences in each of their paintings, based on the fact that all the AI does is use patterns. It cannot create on its own, only rearrange known data. The artist, on the other hand, can interpret the prompt in such a way as to create new data, so to speak, letting them create unique and new additions to their style of artwork.


Well buddy I hate to say it, but the human mind is nothing more than algorithms so to speak as well. We’re certainly more advanced than this current A.I. but all we are is pattern recognition as well

You look like a Jedi in that last picture.


A Jedi in the 1920s, no doubt about it.


Ai is too powerful


why did the fifth one remove your face growth?


“Face growth”-love that depiction.
Uncertain, it called it the anime style. It gave some more in “anime style” but I found that to be the least egregious.
This one looks… somewhat more like me. In baby-mode.


Is that you after joining the military?

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For whatever reason it made my “anime theme” photos military esq.

Also who the heck is this dude next to me??


I think this has something to do with the way all art AIs like this one work: an AI takes features from different drawings very often stolen from artists and mashes them together. Since this is the “anime style”, it does that with anime art in this case. And because there are extremely few anime characters with facial hair and not much art of them to choose from, it simply does not recognise this feature and doesn’t include it in any of the pictures.

You know, it’s really strange. Even some of the non-anime ones (2,3,11) have that kind of aesthetic as well. Maybe this is because it recognized some of the clothing on you in one of the pictures you fed it as military clothes?

Your secret anime twin, obviously


What happens if you feed the ai Bionicle pictures?


Well, “Lensa” here in particular specialises on human portraits, so it’ll most likely create horrible monstrosities, I assume


I wonder that as well. It costs money so I may do it. I think for the AI to work it needs to be the same Bionicle in different positions/angles