A StarWars like extended universe for Bionicle?

First of all! I don’t know if a topic like this does already exist… so if it does I’m sorry for that.

What do you think about an “Extended Universe” for Bionicle ?
There are a lot of Bionicle-Storylines out there created by just normal fans and some of them a really great but don’t make it like Star Wars and make fanmade characters or storylines canon to the new story of G2.
A lot more awesome would it be if LEGO would hand the old story out to us so that it could be continued by us.

What do you guys think about that ?
Feel free to share your opinion about it.

If that happened there would be a lot of TahuxGali stories… Var addresses this issue in one of his Bionicle Autopsy episodes.


The problem is that Bionicle already has a very complex story line. If we were to add more story details into it, it would just turn into a huge nightmare. Nobody would understand where some characters came from, what part do they play in the plot, many plot holes would appear and so on.
Also if they were to give us (the fans) to continue the whole story it wouldn’t work. Many different people have many different opinions. Some people would think that this would work well with the story while the others wouldn’t.
Overall I don’t think that this is such a great idea. Give gen 1 a rest. It was fun while it lasted. If you want, you can create your own fan canon, but it’s just a lot of work.


It would be hard to pull off. Remember, Star Wars was primarily about the story through various media, unlike Bionicle, which is primarily about the toys.

  1. It’s “expanded universe”
  2. Disney killed it.

Oh please no.

The Star Wars EU told stories that didn’t need to be told, and tried to explain EVERYTHING in the universe–and because of this, the EU became cluttered with a lot of junk. And after trying to explain everything, there were no more mysteries left, and not much to be curious about. So if BIONICLE got the same treatment, it would pretty much ruin one of the greatest aspects of the story: mystery.

Of course, this is just my opinion. I understand that many people like the EU, and everything that came from it. And I’m not saying that it’s “bad”…just “unnecessary”.


Couldn’t it be argued that BIONICLE already had an expanded universe? The story was told through a variety of material and we had online serials as side stories. Not to mention all the side books and canonized fan ideas.


I think that fanfics should be fanfics. Does it need to be canon for us to enjoy it? That’s the beauty of bionicle. It is a platform to be built on in the form of fan made stories and mocs.

This is just a bad idea, at least IMO. If they gave it to Greg that would be one thing, but giving it to the fan base? That’s like throwing a rabbit into a lion’s den.

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Yeah, the fan base can’t be trusted with control over the story…the first thing people would do is canonize romance, ship Jaller and Hahli, and erase Bara Magna from history. :stuck_out_tongue:

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Yeah I guess my mode of expression was wrong. Of course i didn’t meant every fan, only selected ones selected by LEGO or Greg.

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That would make it better, but still. Fans that weren’t picked will be mad. And the fans that are picked, well… I remember Kahi saying the him and Eljay tried to continue the story and it didn’t work out. I may be quoting something that never happened, but yeah. I do think if a couple Lego employees continued it that would be cool :stuck_out_tongue:

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I hear stories from my friend Guurahk about a bunch of fans trying to continue the Bionicle story. IMO it didn’t turn out well, people got super prejudiced about their ideas, there were some fights, some lasting hard feelings, and though they worked on it for a long time they never got it off the ground. I think that can be an example of what would happen if that fan community was given control of the Bionicle story. Chaos and division.