First off, I have no idea what category this would go in, so if a moderator would please be kind enough to place it in the right one.
Second off, this may come across as a rant, I assure you it is not.It is a simple warning about a Lego part.
Third off, please tell me if you have experienced the same problem.
Everyone remembers how bad the '08 parts were for snapping. Well guess what.
You can’t really see it very well with my laptop camera, but the friction extender on my Lewa, Uniter of Jungle figure, has almost snapped completely (just a little more ways to go). I didn’t feel like looking over every Bionicle set I have with friction extenders, so I can’t tell you how common this problem is. I did, however, go grab the nearest Lego set I had that uses 2008 parts. As it turns out, my Lewa Phantoka figure is is better condition than I thought. I did manage to find a figure with the same type of crack in it, however.
The hand, on Breeze 1.0, got that crack due to extended use. I must emphasize, however, that Lewa’s friction extender part had only been removed from the figure maybe three times before I discovered the crack. Lewa has spent most of his time standing up on a shelf.
All in all, I just have this one thing to tell all of my fellow moc makers:
###Be careful when you use these parts, they are not as durable as other CCBS pieces. (in my opinion)
Everything below this is a personal opinion
I think the reason for this crack may be the fact that the new-ish friction extender part does not connect all the way to a ball joint. There is a little gap between the bottom of the socket and the ball joint. I believe this puts extra strain on the plastic.
###Edit with more pics.