Ahauka (Self-MOC drawing)

I got bored, so I made a drawing of how my self-MOC, Ahauka, was intended to look. Hope you like it!

The build itself can be seen here.


This is a really interesting interpretation. It also looks like Samus.


I love how clean your lines are, they really make this all the more appealing.

Looks like a Bonkle-ized Samus or Mega Man. Good job!

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Quite nice!

Looks good.
It actually looks like a Bionicle but drawn instead of built.
(The Original MOC is good as well)

Pretty nice, I quite like this!

Looks better than the moc, IMO.

It’s pretty neat.

Very nice!
The colors look vibrant (as on the MOC but I think they look better here!), and the drawing itself looks smooth, and very defined!
I like it!