Yea, could’ve done that part better.
Anyways, thanks!
Yea, could’ve done that part better.
Anyways, thanks!
I agree with what @Waj said about his drawing.
(Which means I really like it)
The others are great, too, but that’s my favorite.
This so great! I can’t think of anything that’s already been said. (But not everything of course.)
It’s a very interesting style. Only chronicler works with it though, in my opinion. I would like to see more of your drawings, like from the mnog but in your style.
Slim Slam is far too cute.
That drawing is up to something…
@Xing1870 I should try that.
@John_Smith it’s alright dude we’ll have our own art party we don’t need these scrubs
Jk these are actually pretty solid
We’ll make our own portraits, with blackjack and–Darnit I can’t make that reference
I’ll ban u
I’ll try you guys in le future, ok?
Because it could potentially get you banned
“And that, kids, is how the Mod Squad ruined my life”
Awe thanks! I love your style, it’s really solid
and apologies for some of the smearing, and the pencilmark left in your eye.
You might want to try a different head shaping with Jogn: that hair, as well. It’s extremely curved, and not to my liking.
Lots of the lines don’t fit, as well. These joints don’t align very well, and the lines are somewhat odd. most of the curves don’t retain a “straight curve”, for that matter.
W0t the w0t.
Am I a real boy?
I apprici8 m8, thanks.
Really like Chronicler’s and Waj’s. Nice work.