An OC of mine, Toa Rori

May i introduce, Toa Rori, a toa of magnetism.

He was originally a character i designed for something else, but is now a part of the technorealm AU, which belongs to themugbearer and demitsorou .(on tumblr, duh)

if you couldnt tell, his mask is a calix, non-organic.

the background was done rather quick (quite obviously)

and that flat mountain is mount valmai.

so yes, this is Rori, hope you enjoy this depiction of him!


Wow this is a really good pic! :smiley:

It looks very alien like, though.

The details on your Bionicle OC is really outstanding and wonderful. Love how you added some lighting, shading and color on Toa Rori. The posture is wonderful and the scenery is spectacular.