An Official Statement Regarding Eljay... Again

Q: Why are you so amazing?

Q: So has this just become ur QnA topic Part 2? :stuck_out_tongue:


A: Ahahahaha no.

A: :blush:

A:… Whoops. This is temporary until the dust settles. =P

Also my last one got closed so… >=(


Q: Will you bring back the spirit of Bionicle to this place?

Hardest double 90 degree turn I’ve seen in years. Welcome back.


Q: When is TTV going to reach 100,000 subs??
Or better yet, 1 million?

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And so the heavens opened to announce the return of the blessed one, and it was good.

Ah, most excellent! Good news in times of strife as tumultuous times had occurred, and just as I had been experiencing the OG playthrough highlights and the Reviews. Glad to see you back, Eljay.

Eljay is baaaaaaack!
Then I will start to watch the TTV channel agaaaaaaaain!

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That really is a message I am happy to read. Your Recap Reviews were the videos thoguh which I stumbpled upon the TTV Channel. I am glad to hear you are back because you are a very important part of it. ^^

Are you planning on doing a show on the channel? i guess someone has already asked this but i am too lazy to look for that question.

Q: Yay!

Q: Hey Eljay where can I find the latest Recap Reviews
Jokes aside, great to have you back

Q: Have you invented a car that you can peel yet?


I was gonna slip in and make a joke about a certain halo 1v1 we need to get around to doing at some point, but I’m seriously overwhelmed with happiness to see you back.

I don’t watch the Ninjagocast, so this is out of left field for me even more so than most people.

I might have to make some sort of Castaway meme or something.


Q: Did u shave for this momentous occasion


Q: Would you rather be eaten alive by a warthog or a gorilla?

Q: Are Little Johnny and Jon somehow related?

Q: Can this be classified as an unfiring?


It definitely doesn’t make me happy. You were one of TTV’s best Moderators.

Q: Will you be willing to wreck some more newbs on 1v1 matches on different games?