This is a fantastic entry and I thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, in its current state, we can’t accept it. While the gradation you have added is a very cool effect and does successfully pay homage to Karzahni, it does cause the art to come into conflict with rule 4e and the broader color guidelines:
Because the upper part of the entry features strong gradation, it causes the appearance of lime green to be quite prominent and serves as a departure from the color scheme of the MoC. As such, we can’t accept the artwork in its current form unless the gradation is removed.
If you could recolor the torso and arm shading to match the shading featured on the legs, that would be more than sufficient. My intention was to make this post earlier in the day so you had ample time to make corrections, but I opted to wait three hours to seek advice from our other moderators before making the call. As such, since that’s my bad, you’re going to get an extra three hours to make the necessary fixes. You have until 3 AM Eastern time.
Very sorry for the inconvenience; thank you for creating such an incredible piece of art, and I look forward to seeing the altered version!