Okay, yeah, I know that there’s already this topic for questions and answers, but those are for questions that we immediately answer in text. However, we used to have a podcast segment based around the questions members used to send us, and that was a more discussion based thing. We stopped that simply because we stopped receiving questions, but we’re at a point where I think we could start it up again.
This isn’t to take away from that other topic, though; that other topic is a sort of AMA thing where you can ask us anything you want to and we’ll respond it text, or we’ll respond with answers we couldn’t devote that much time to in the podcast.
But this is for discussion stuff, stuff that we would actually talk about on air. Questions like Do you want a continuation or a reboot for Bionicle? or What character do you want to see in the reboot? or What do you see as the future of this channel?
No joke questions or stuff like that; that’s for the other topic. Also, please don’t ask questions that boil down to a yes or no answer; that doesn’t really have good discussion value.
Thanks, and we look forward to having some more discussion!
Actually, the “Continuation or Reboot” question would be really awesome. Also, after BIONICLE’s return, how long do you think it will take for the BIONICLE fan community to grow and be as large as it once was?
I’m going to answer this one real quick here because it’s a good question, we just have a “no” answer =P. We didn’t even know BioTube existed until around late 2011/2012ish.