AT-SP-CF, The Imperial Flying Pig!: An Alternate Build for Set no. 75078

The Face of the Ship

That there be a pig

Does it make Bacon?
Is It bacon?
Can I Fry it?
Can I Eat it?
Does it taste well in cheeseburgers?
Can I Eat it with breakfast?
Can I Eat Breakfast in it?
You need to answer these questions, or else I can’t sleep.


If it can’t be eaten what good is it as a pig.
If it cannot be eaten then it is not a real pig.
Is it real pig @Plural!?! Is it!?!

Also great MOC man. I don’t see much of a pig, but I do see a groovy looking Spaceship thing.

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Not another Jeremy! They always die on me!


I kinda wish the Emperor secretly commissioned something like this just to be silly…

Anyway, I like how it looks like a pig. That is all.

(It also does the Star Wars texture well…)

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