Aurum Adler

I loved the way the wings turned out on my last MOC, Firthan. So I used that design on this guy, Aurum Adler (aurum = gold in Latin, Adler = eagle in German).

I don’t have a backstory for him as of yet. Anybody have any suggestions on a possible origin story?


Omega Eris!

Ooooooh! I like!

Aurum Adler?
At first, I thought it was “Adam Sandler”…
Anyway, good MOC!

Looks interesting…

Me likee.

Simple, but pretty good despite it.

Cool, reminds me of an eagle for some reason.

Of course it does. Thanks! The name even means “Gold Eagle” in German.

Super Cool!

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The MOC itself looks simple, but the weapons and wings look awesome!

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Thanks. Simple builds with bold color schemes are my style.

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What Chima constraction sets should have been like.

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This is pretty sweet!

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That chima head though.
Seriously, this is pretty sweet. It really captures that bird feel.