Australia and New Zealand Bionicle Topic

Now, one more month to go that Bionicle to mine and possibly your country, anyone who is looking forward to have the new bionicle sets, now I am looking forward for the sets so badly and yesterday I got a new Lego club magazine and bionicle is on the cover and came in with some story information as in the backgroundstory of the island of Okoto, the Toa and the Protectors and some art, but didn’t say anything about the Bionicle app game, and yes I have played it and finished it but I don’t have all of the armour yet and Lord of the Skull spiders was not really a challenge.


What country do you live in?
I’ve heard that it’s a February release in… France, if I recall correctly? The sets are out in most countries as of January.


I live in Australia but I do not know if France gets the sets in Feb but it is possible.

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Ah, okay. It’s a shame you guys didn’t get a January release. All in due time, I suppose.


Yea I know man, even I heard Vapor say she still waiting them to come in stores and I think they’ll come on Feb at England or were ever she’d be from but I am planing to laybuy these 13 sets at Target and put in 50 one or twice a week and I know these toa at Australia with the little Toa be 16 and Big Toa be 20, I’d just wait for these prices cause they won’t be those prices that goes with other prices like HF villains were $ 20 and Witch doctor was $59


Who the heck is Vapor?

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Vipor sorry, still got Vapor from HF in my head


Sets are actually out in NA only.
There are 204 states in the world totally.
Actually, most of countries do not have them yet…

For example my contry, where they are produced and we still don’t have them… That’s shame.


The sets are IN england, I recently got Pohatu from Amazon UK and have now ordered the rest of the toa (should arrive on saturday or monday). But yes, @Nopasino is right, it’s now just a case of them being in boxes ready to go…

I have this worrying feeling that when I go to england the sets wont be in stores…


like what happen when the Chima ultrabuilds second wave never came in some country, even Australia never got any Chima ultrabuild sets.

Most countries will never get Lego products, think about that (RIP North Korea)

Thats a bit off with the numbers. There are like 192 independent countries that are recognized by everyone. The rest arent considered countries as of yet.

PS: If we dont get those sets In February, Im gonna hit someone with a widget and make them walk on lego bricks.


Well that sucks…

That magazine says “look out, they’re back!” That almost makes me want to cry with joy.


hahaha yup that tells us that bionicle wasn’t forgetible after all, when we had these HF sets.

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Who’s Vipor? Vapor’s brother?


Maybe it’s @Viper’s evil twin sister :open_mouth:


Sister? But if everyone thinks I’m Zaktan that means I’m a bonkle and if I’m a bonkle, I can’t have biological siblings :stuck_out_tongue:


Vapour isn’t a female, he’s the villain who goes up against Bulk in the first series. And yes that Viper, Shadezy.

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I really wonder why LEGO Australia is doing this? It doesn’t seem very logical…

@RaggedClaws, you’re British? Cool! :smiley: