Banutis Rainer Moc


Moc back in 2015
He is the founder of rainer and his home is bota magna
not much else is known

only one piece from the head was cut off.

![다운로드 (25)|690x387]

body and head instruction


Nice moc. I like the color scheme.

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Thanks rukah!

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That headdress/helmet design is amazing.

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Thanks :slight_smile:

The helmet design is neat, though the ankle area looks a little off to me.


is there any reason?

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The head design is really good.

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Really Thanks!

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I think it’s the lack of tapering between the leg and foot in the ankle area. It just kind of goes from a pretty thick armored leg (especially the shin) to the relatively thin foot socket. I’m not sure how you could go about fixing this, maybe try slipping a tire around the foot’s socket, or maybe experiment with another foot, because the shortness of the foot makes the issue a little more apparent. Either way, it’s a pretty small nit-pick, hope this helps. :slight_smile:


Thanks for the feedback! I can’t fix it because it was broken down 6 years ago

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So it’s an older moc?

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