Best Of LEGO Bootlegs

oh gosh that’s so ugly

Lmao I love the giant Ninjago time blades


it seems like the heads are upscaled versions of the Minifigs which is impressive for bootlegs, but nothing new sense I think I’ve seen a few who did that but I don’t know

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Does anyone here know where I could find Metru Matoran recolors or recolors of Bohrok limbs and feet?

Are you looking for any specific colors?

Basically anything that LEGO didn’t produce. I just recently saw a bootleg with Light Blue Bohrok feet, which is why I am renewing my search.

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I have two bootleg Vahki from a line called Robot Invincibility that use Mata colours instead of Metru. I don’t know if the company made fake Matoran, but it could be worth a search.


Did they have differently colored Mata Feet or were they the same Dark Grey color as normal Vahki?

Bordakh’s feet are an exact match for the real thing, but Zadakh’s have a slight reddish-purple tint to them. It doesn’t match any existing Lego colour.

Other differences from the real things are that the frictionless pins are yellow instead of tan and Bordakh’s eyes are trans-pink instead of trans-orange.

EDIT: Did some digging and it turns out Robot Invincibility often use Mata colours:



Just2good features some bootlegs from this topic in this video. Just thought I’d share

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ooh man thats just so horrible, most of his joints are inverted too

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I think I found the perfect Lego bootleg, the pinnacle of knockoff Lego design!


A 2006-type bionicle bone with CCBS-style sockets.

Had Lego come up with something like this in year 2008, Bionicle would have probably never ended… such a depressing realisation, don’t you think?

By the way, unfortunately I have no idea where this piece came from. So if you know what bootleg company makes those, please let me know!
I’ll buy out their entire stock and monopolise this piece


Finally, something that lives up to the name of this topic


I would never use it because heresy, but seriously LEGO

Why didn’t you do this


It’s only about maybe 25% bootlego as it just has some studs but while grocery shopping I found this rather interesting hot wheels car


Is that an official hot wheels thing?

Yeah. It’s an official car with not lego stud connections. I figured a few people here might be interested to track one down.

I also picked up a similar theme one though it only has a couple of studs and a bar to hold figs so not as interesting


Ah. interesting

I think I have a yellow version of that second car. While looking up my version of the car, I found out there was a similar car to the first one called Custom Small Block that was released last year and whose pieces are compatible with the first car

Very interesting find.