Biology of Toa?

This may have been asked before, but what is the actual biology of Toa? What’s their internal structure like?

From what I already know, their bodies are bulletproof steel, they have muscle tissues as well as some kind of mechanical motors, and may or may not have heartlights. What else do we know about their bodies?


Its more protodermis than steel (i think) but there is also Protosteel wich is what Makutas armor is made of.

Yes their entire bodies are made of protodermis. That includes the metallic parts and organic tissue.

As for the confirmed biology, we never got much: muscle and connective tissue, lungs, lubrication sysem which may or may not be common to the organic parts as well. Regarding the braiin, Greg never gave a concrete answer but often hypothesized it is more likely mechanical than organic - easier consciousness transfer on the Red Star.

All of this should be in the archived Chat with Greg Farshtey.


Do you know where I could find this chat?

I was actually thinking of this the other day. I dont think they have a fluid-based circulatory system, because toa never bleed, and I dont think blood is ever mentioned (ex: blood draining/rushing from/to one’s body parts). they clearly a have respiratory system and some sort of muscle or connective tissue, and they probably have a sort of nervous system.

*facepalm. I just realised @ToaKebaka already said most of that. oh well

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I like how protodermis is the miracle all-purpose substance of the MU


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