Bionicle but what if anime?

Glad to see I’m not the only one who holds this opinion…

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I’m pretty sure that’s The Shadowed One. (Unless you’re talking about an image other than the first one, in which case I don’t know.)



Is this meant to be anyone specific, in the background of the Karzahni picture?

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Pretty sure that’s a snowman that’s gone waaaaaay off the deep end. You can see the carrot, the empty rictus, and the hollow coals worming tunnels down to its icy soul.

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After looking at it closer, and checking some lore, I think it’s supposed to be Devastator. The character originated in Karzahni, and the figure seems to vaguely match @TeelGuy’s interpretation:


Huh. I never internalized Devastator originating in Karzahni. I think you’re right, but I guess I should just wait for Ender to confirm it.

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it’s devastator

To be honest, neither had I. I was just reminding myself of Devastator’s self-reported powerset (to better understand the blurbs) when I saw he was from Karzahni and thought “hold on, why does that sound familiar?”

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To be fair, I’ve more or less forgotten the entire Dark Hunter roster by now, so maybe it’s time for a touch-up. I appreciate these parts of the BIONICLE lore that are interesting but unimportant enough that I get to learn them all over again from time to time. =P

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