BIONICLE Canon Contest #2: Meet the Maker

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Alright, after some technical issues, here is my post. Please let me know if I need to make any changes, I’m kinda new around here.

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Hey check out my entry!

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Seven hours, bois.

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Here is my entry:

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Squeaking in…

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Here is my submission. I hope you enjoy, and good luck to all!

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Three hours remain guys!

Here be mine submission. Got this done by the skin of my teeth it seems xD I look forward to seeing how this contest goes. Best of luck to everyone!


potential problem with rule 11

It has come to my attention that certain entries have been allowed, despite statements from the hosts that they are pushing rule 11 and could be dq’d later. I have to ask, isn’t this effectively setting up the moc to fail? If it does go through the first round of voting, people will decry it for only winning due to being a meme, and say it should be dq’d.
This is just a concern I thought of, you might’ve already considered this potential issue.

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What entries are you referring to? I have only seen the cast mention Rule 11 twice, and the MOC was disqualified both times.

Of course, I have not gone through the comments on every single MOC, so it is entirely possible that I have simply not seen what you are talking about. Could you give an example?

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Link to the post I’m thinking of. Didn’t want to call out a specific entry at first, because I don’t want to make it seem like I want the entry dq’d. My issue is with the rules, not any entry in particular.

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So then what is your recommended solution?

Hi y’all! It’s getting late but my entry is here! Artakha, Father of the Toa (Bionicle Canon Contest #2: Meet the Maker)


Here is my entry. Good luck to all participants.

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So, I’ve given it a fair bit of thought, and my conclusion is thus:

Firstly: don’t publicly say “we’ll accept this, but might DQ it later.” Either accept it and keep an eye on it, without saying anything, or DQ it right out the gate. The way you have it set up right now, people will more than likely take what you’ve said as you saying “we’ll accept it, but DQ it if it does too well.” I know that’s not what you’re saying, but other people won’t see it that way. People will expect this moc to be dq’d if it wins round one, and especially if it wins round 2.

Second: having said all of that, I don’t think the moc I cited should be dq’d. Not because of any personal feelings on the moc, but because you’ve already said you’ll allow it. This is really only for future reference. Again, though, that’s my opinion.


Here’s my entry. I ordered all the parts really early on and at the time the Sand Green wasn’t set in stone, so I went with Trans Dark Green, but I have no qualms with it being recolored in a theoretical artpiece.

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I would say that, whatever decision you make, it should be made now. Either disqualify it, or state that you will not disqualify it.

Because what are the criteria that you are looking for to disqualify it? It does too good? It generates too much controversy?

Obviously, you guys aren’t going to disqualify an entry because it does better than expected, so it seems to me like you are willing to let it go as long as it doesn’t generate controversy. Which is fair.

But, it already seems that the entry will be the subject of controversy, based purely on the responses on the original post. And that controversy will only increase the farther it gets.

Really, the only way for it to not generate controversy is to be eliminated first round. So, to a particularly cynical person, it might appear that you guys are only going to allow the entry as long as it doesn’t win.

And I am reasonably sure that, no matter what the reason, any mid-contest disqualification is going to generate more controversy than the original entry ever could, even though that is entirely within your rights as the hosts of the contest.

Just so I am clear: I completely support your right to remove an entry at any point in the contest, especially if it becomes the subject of unexpected controversy. But, at least to me, controversy seems expected for this entry, so it would be better to nip that in the bud right now, rather than invite unnecessary accusations of ‘rigging’ down the road.

Of course, this is just me. Maybe I am completely wrong, and this entry will remain free of controversy. But I am providing an alternate perspective.


Thank you, that is exactly what I was trying to say, but you’ve said it much better than I managed.

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