BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

Ok, so what have I missed? Been working on something, that I will get to but its still a WIP but I’m getting side tracked.

On the topic of the BBS, I would like the following to occur(These are wants so they are not up for debate at this moment, we can discuss the intricacies of the pros and cons of them at a latter time if you may.):

  1. Required in both moc and art
  2. Direction of barbs not mandated. Them being curved however should be mandated.
  3. A consent system so moccist can lock their sword design in place if they want.

Lastly not really a want so argue this to the ground if you want.

There is plenty of ways to create a bbs with curved spikes using existing LEGO parts. Some may say well but then all the swords would be samey to which I say and the problem is exactly? Isn’t this contest about determining the best representation of a character if we all have a unified design for the sword in mind wouldn’t that just make the end result just so much more accepted?

Any how back to the light hearted thing. I actually wanted to talk about:

Do you guys remember this inorganic Suletu concept?

Well here is my progress so far, 3d modelling it, enjoy:

Edit: If I sound mad, frustrated or rude in this post, I apologize, I threw the post together in a hurry