BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

I suppose that’s a valid point.

War is home.

Also guys Bionicle is so important for life that it’s a part of the cell cycle!


For the record, I agree with Rac, in that a Metru-build is not just a Metru-torso.
I’m just too busy to argue the point for six hours like she has.

But if we’re taking a community consensus, consider me firmly in the camp of “Mettur build =/= metru Torso”

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But that’s only one part of the argument.

One part of the argument is whether or not a Metru torso alone makes something a Metru build.

But the other part is whether or not the use of certain limb parts disqualifies a build from being a Metru build.

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A Metru Build is a Bionicle model which both utilizes the Metru torso piece/mimics its torso construction identical to that of the piece, and also confines itself within the proportions and general scale of the officially-released Metru-style sets, those being the Toa Metru, and the Toa Hagah Norik and Iruini.

Satisfactory? Probably not, but at least five people will like the post this isn’t made with a scale or graph proving it’s right and yet I feel you’re gonna need a solid argument to disprove it.

EDIT: Winger zing zinger

EDIT 2 EDIT BOOGALOO: Five likes in under five minutes, my power is unstoppable


Yes, this is absolutely perfect. This what I’ve been trying to get across, you just said it better.

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Sure. That’s where things would be evaluated on a case-by-case basis

I said Kodiak

Fair enough. Apologies for the miscommunication.

No, I built the moc to fail. Honestly, I think my scale gives the moc more credit than it deserves. The moc is absolutely not a Metru build.

I fully admit that my scale isn’t perfect. But I will stand by the fact that it is better than equating a build with one piece.

The heck is a mettur build?

Edit: I feel ghid puts it best; his definition is better than my scale, a fair middle ground

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Couldn’t have said it better. Putting aside the mimicking, this is pretty much what I had in mind but I wasn’t able to effectively put my thoughts into words. Thanks :+1:


But that’s not why I’m saying it’s a Metru build. Obviously, the fact that it has a Metru torso helps, but that’s not the explicit reason; the explicit reason is that it has the proportions and shaping of a Metru build.

The torso has the correct shape (obviously), and the limbs are proportional to the body in the same way that Vakama’s limbs are proportional to his body.

Again: what makes those CCBS limbs different from Vakama’s limbs?

Due to likely the ineffectiveness of the scale and the stubbornness of both sides of the argument, all focus was put into the piece rather than making a clear statement. I don’t think your scale is exactly a good counter to it.

Probably a misspelling of these guys, idk I think they’re cuteish


Joke delivered by joke company inc

Hey man, what I’m here for
Paypal me that five bucks


Well, for starters, they’re not red.


Y’know, trying to make a subjective scale may have hurt my argument. Which, at it’s core, is simply that the Metru build is not just “any moc that uses the Metru torso.”

And now we’re back to: they bear no resemblance to the Metru limbs aside from being limb-shaped.

Is there a grey area of what isn’t a Metru build? Absolutely. My point was to make a moc that absolutely was not a Metru build, despite using the vaunted Metru torso.

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Another question… does there have to be a functioning gear system within the moc? Because I was playing around with this nuva armor and I have another connection but it can not have a gear function put into it.

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I highly doubt it’d be required. The most common connection for balljointed shoulders (size 4 connector, if I remember the size right) doesn’t allow for the gear function.


And here’s the thing: the CCBS may not resemble a G1 build, but they resemble a Metru build. To me, a Metru build is defined by proportions, not the style of the parts.

So, while CCBS may prevent something from being a G1 styled Metru build, they do not prevent it from being a Metru build.

At the end of the day, this feels like it’s turning into a “does CCBS belong in G1” type of discussion.

You said it yourself, agreeing with Ghid’s point that a Metru build is about proportions. CCBS does nothing to wreck the build-defining proportions.

“If it looks like a Toa, walks like a Toa, and throws fireballs like a Toa, it’s a Toa”

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That said, if you want to include the gear function, all you have to do is replace the 3L beam on your build with a 3L liftarm and a half bushing, which is essentially what I did, only I had more pieces involved for stability.


If you mean to enter the contest… I would say no, mainly because the mocs aren’t canon, only the art is, and thus it doesn’t really matter if it has a gear function or not.

If you’re responding to my claim that you can’t attach a nuva chest to a metru torso, I did say you could do it by invalidating the function.

Mine all have the function, but having a function isn’t going to be a factor in which entries I vote for. Unless there’s, say, two entries that I like about the same, and one has a function while the other doesn’t.

Are you able to maintain friction? That’s my next goal.

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sadly, no.

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Yeah I had done something similar before, and this is pretty stable, as well, I just wanted to try something different. I like the pin with stop bushing for posing tho. Idk, I can find ways for the gear function still. I guess I was more curious about the gear function necessity for a qualification

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