BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

Perhaps something in style of my Dume MOC

Or Lhikan

I actually did once Hagah Bomonga

You can even use masks as chest armor if you want


This is my opinion, but given the situation where Greg replied, “Hagah has a Metru build,” I think it helps a little.

By the time Greg replied, Norik and Iruini were already known to fans as they were.
Of course, as a figure with different legs and arms with Metru-Torso.
And with that in mind, Greg replies “Yes” to the question “Does Hagah have a Metru-body?”

In other words, the premise of this answer is the fact that “Hagah members, including Norik and Iruini, has at least a Meter-torso.”
In addition, this does not guarantee that Hagah has legs and arms like Toa Metru and Lhikan.
(Toa Metru had inspiradated by Lhikan’s appearance, at least this is canon.)

In addition, given that Greg has stated that all members of Hagah are from different hometowns,
With a very high probability, they feel it is reasonable to think that “having a Metru-torso” is “Arm and legs are different that because the origin of the image as Toa is different”.
(At least Takua / Takanuva had inspirated by Toa Nuva. Especially he may get from Tahu, but his appearance of Toa has diffirent arm to tahu. it looks like more like Gali. but this fact has proof sometimes the transformers’ image will not recruited completely, or some image will be together to his appearance as Toa.)
(And this may proof the “Metru-Torso” is the most popular of “Toa’s appearance”.)


IMHO - yes, since the mold used for the Volitak isn’t the one worn by regular land-dwellers but what do I know.
Also - funny how vehemently you defend using a particular part in this thread but for Lariska you immediately want everybody to use all parts immediately, despite the question raised basically being the same.

On the case of the volitak, would an art contest be required for Nidhiki since he wore the non-aquatic version?

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I didn’t know Mazeka lived underwater.

It’s not the same - Lariska is a member of a species we have never seen and know very little about. The only “clue” as to what she should look like (other than the teal armor) is that she’s a member of the Dark Hunters - but Dark Hunters have very varied and inconsistent looks anyway, so it’s as good as nothing. There are no restrictions to her look, other than somewhat aiming for the “G1 aesthetic”, but in her case literally anything will do. You wanted her to use pieces from 2004-2005 only - go for it, but that shouldn’t be a requirement.

Toa Hagah are a different case. They’re members of a team with an already established look, both in-canon (Greg confirming they’re Metru builds) and in set form (Norik and Iruini). It makes sense that the other 4 should look similar. In that other thread, your main argument against using CCBS on a G1 moc is that it would stand out - and non-Metru build Hagah wouldn’t stand out just as much?

Idk man, to me making a member of a team with a pre-established look is quite different from making a member of an unknown species that belongs to an organization consisting of members or various different races that don’t really look similar to each other.

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Mazeka wore a non-aquatic version of the same mold

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Guys I was under the impression that when you liked this or responded to it positively, it meant that we were good and didn’t have to continue to argue this

But after that point Kini officially officially gave the final word for the time being, so I’ll just keep my mouth shut

And this is where past contests play heavily into this.

Your MOC - for Nidhiki, for Artakha, for Helryx, can have whatever mask it wants as long as other people have a way of getting their hands on the mask without absolutely mandating a purchase (free link to the 3d model, for example). The Artwork decides the mask, and yes, the artwork should design the non-aquatic variant of the Volitak.

Also, if the aquatic variant of the Volitak is also the standard variant, there wouldn’t be an aquatic variant, would there?


I always assumed the non-aquatic variant didn’t have a hose connected to it, unlike the aquatic one. I mean, isn’t that the case with all Mahri masks? There are no differences between the aquatic and non-aquatic ones other than the hoses.

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3d modelers + the creative side of the entire community would like a word with you.

To the best of my knowledge there’s never been an official comment in regards to that (someone with the Greg archives please prove me wrong), but if that was in fact set in stone, you’d hardly have everyone and their dog modeling non-aquatic variants of the masks.

Plus, we have the opportunity to canonize yet another brand-new mask design, specifically one that draws inspiration and form from the aquatic variant. Why shouldn’t we?

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Why SHOULD we tho?

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And I appreciate all the work put into designing these masks. They aren’t canon though :stuck_out_tongue:


Not yet. :wink:


Well idk if TTV will allow for non-official molds when it comes to characters that wear masks with an already established look. I mean, I wouldn’t mind (I’d love to have a canon Volitak without the breathing tank sticking out of its chin), but we’ll see.

But we’re kinda missing my point here. A non-aquatic Volitak is still a Volitak, which mocs of Nidhiki and Chiara should be required to have.

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Nah see the patrician’s choice would be a Kualsii.
Clearly. XD


Because I hate the stupid bulbous air tank growth hanging off the left side and you’re telling me that’s a natural design of the mask?

Why canonize the character’s design at all, for that matter?

We’re contributing in a major way to Bionicle’s lore. The old community would fight for this opportunity to happen again, and we’re canonizing designs for how many characters again? Some of which have so much creative freedom it’s absolutely ridiculous.

We’ve also had difficulty with that much creative freedom, with large arguments over it being too little to go off of, and now arguments that the rules are too strict for the contest. As Eljay has stressed repeatedly, the very fact that we have the opportunity to run canon contests again is worth all the stress and strain of debating the rules out to a fine point, or staying up all night verifying emails to ensure every single last vote is completely legitimate… Or anything else Eljay and Meso have had to do in this nightmare of a community project.

If it’s worth it for them to beat the tar out of themselves, it’s worth it for me to both participate and attempt to keep things civil. Oh wait, you asked why SHOULD we. Well, the answer to that is…

It’s cool? Fun? Once-in-a-‘lifetime’ opportunity? Putting your own personal touch on the greatest LEGO theme ever to exist? Even if it’s something as small as plopping a mask on one character and nobody else, it’s your thumbprint on an incredibly influential intellectual property, one that’s very special to most of the people on this site.

And for me, that’s enough reason.


guys seriously it’s been 24 hours.


I don’t even really know what this argument is about anymore.

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Guys, guys, it’s okay. Just say I’m right.

Easy answer.


Give me a synopsis of your point.

You’re right.

What was that? I didn’t mean to say that!