BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

Where is the new post button under lego creations, or do I add the images under the original topic?

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It’s the light blue button in the bottom right corner. There should be a plus there, but the boards are slightly broken atm


I see lol

You still need the three breakdown pics. Once you’ve done that, you’re good to go

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Here’s the topic link. I added breakdown images

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I don’t recall if this was ever asked prior, but will there be a separate thread posted for the art/mask contest after the MOC voting finishes?

If so, will any further rules/clarifications specific to the art submissions be detailed in that topic?

I’m not as much of a MOCist as I used to be, but I will definitely be entering the art contest.


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There will be a separate topic for the art contest. And we will post the rules specific to the art contest then.


Sorry, if already asked: for the second part of a contest, can an artwork be black&white? Or it must be painted?

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The artwork will need to be in full color, not just black and white.

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With regards to issues:
Some official Bionicle parts are missing from, but some 3D modelers managed to replicate and port them to

Will we need to link these parts too(do they count as custom too?) or does this only apply to pieces that don’t exist in any sets(actual custom pieces)?

I wanna use a Metru torso for future contests but the modeler/replicater of the piece might not permit such files going public in raw studio model form(unless by way of integration in MOC pics) by then. Will I have to link pieces like this too? Or since it’s a piece that actually exists, you’ll let it slide?


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The file has to be accessible and the creation inside must be the same as it is being presented. So while custom models of actual pieces don’t count as custom pieces, if the modeler doesn’t have them public and as such they are missing in the file, then it doesn’t qualify for entry.


Dear TTV,

I have looked at the poll topics for the Helryx contest entries and seen a statement that each user is allowed two votes. Is this two votes in each poll topic or two votes in total for all entry topics?
I look forward to hearing from you and thank you in anticipation!

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Per poll.

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Asked this earlier today an this is what Eljay said:

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One question. For Marendar, will there be an art round as well? We don’t know if it wore a kanohi or not (I highly doubt it being a fully mechanical robot) so I don’t see the point in doing artwork for him.

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I can’t speak for TTV and their rule decisions, but personally I think the art portion is cool in and of itself (especially speaking as someone with little MOCing skill and marginally more artistic skill), so I’d love to see it happen for Marendar regardless of the need to design a Kanohi!

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This may have been answered before somewhere that I have missed, and if so, I am sorry.

Question: How are the poll brackets determined? Are they randomized, by submissision date, or hand-picked? Or something else entirely?

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So just to be clear - It’s one poll to decide what the mask should be and then another for the best art, or is it just the art contest, and whichever art gets picked comes with the mask the artist chose?


I remember somebody from TTV saying Marendar was the most controversial character to have a contest for (since a lot of people were against it), so they were going to have a poll before doing the Marendar contest to determine whether or not the community thought it should even take place to begin with.


Personally? I think that a Marendar contest is no more justifiable than one for The Recorder.