BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

In other words, I read the post too quickly. That definitely makes sense now.

Huh. Mine’s literally just a copy from BS01 that I saved for offline reading. Guess someone edited the word axe to be uncap at some point since I did so.

I always thought there was an “official” text version of the audio serials, based on the fact that (by my memory) Sahmad’s tale had a typo that was left in on BS01 because it was in the original. I can’t find any reference to the ST typo now though, and apparently typographical stuff has been edited (the whole Axe/axe thing) so either I misremembered, or I’m remembering a different story.

On the note of mandating the sword, I’d like to point out that up until now, every character had their weapons mandated. Heck, for the Hagah, some art entries were asked to add the shields – and we all know what a RLS looks like. I could see an argument being made that maybe she didn’t always have it with her, and the portrayal could just be her without the sword… but surely that logic applies to other weapons, too? Artakha probably had that big hammer hanging on the wall when he wasn’t using it to forge stuff and hit people. The Hagah and Helryx likely set their weapons down somewhere, or got disarmed, at some point. Yet their full equipment has always been mandated.

The Nui Stone is a bit trickier, because it isn’t really a “weapon” so much as an “item”. Those have been allowed (the Avohkii in the Hagah contest) and also banned (the Staff of Artakha in the Artakha contest). The latter was based on the logic that Artakha never wielded the staff, that we know of; he just made it and sent it off, much like the Great Disks, the Avohkii, the spear of fusion*, etc. The Hagah, however, definitely carried the Avohkii, and Tuyet definitely carried the Nui Stone – a lot. Based on the Hagah, I’d say it could be “allowed but not mandated”. Though one could argue it’s part of her iconic, standard equipment, unlike the Hagah, who only had the Avohkii that one time.

*Some ambiguity here: the wording “artakha made it” does leave open the possibility that it was the residents of the island of Artakha, and not the big man himself. Though with the Staff, Greg specifically said “he made it” (emphasis mine)


It sorta is, which is generally the goal in most disagreements - compromise where possible, if there is no clear-cut answer.

It’s because while we have at least have something canon that links “a Tuyet” to a specific weapon, we have nothing to suggest any other weapon. There is at least the suggestion that Teridax having that tool while impersonating her, it’s a weapon that Tuyet wields to some extent. Everything else was identical. And seeing as no other weapons wielded by characters were modified, the argument stands that it could be her Toa Tool in the prime universe.

This is just an argument though, and since only Teriyet wielded it and it hasn’t been seen elsewhere, if anyone is uncomfortable with that logic or rational, they can exclude it from a MOC and/or art.

The primary difference between the Avohkii and the Staff being that those characters never utilized it. Tuyet is intrinsically tied to the Nui Stone - she has never appeared without it. Everything about her character and her appearances in the story revolves around it.


Oh, definitely; I’m not saying it’s an exact comparison, it’s simply the closest thing we have right now. The point of my post was to point out precedents for “weapons” and “items” and those are the only “items” we’ve seen/discussed so far.


The issue I see with this (in this specific scenario) is that we are discussing a yes/no answer. Either Alternate Teriyet’s appearance informs that of Prime Tuyet, or it doesn’t.

If it’s the former, then the Barbed Broadsword should be mandated.

If it’s the latter, then Dark Mirror can be ignored entirely, and there should be no restrictions on Tuyet’s Toa Tool (other than perhaps that it be capable of “slashing”). Obviously the Barbed Broadsword would still be allowed, but then so should any other tool.

By banning all tools besides the Barbed Broadsword, but not mandating it, we would be recognizing that Tuyet’s Toa Tool should look the same as it did in Dark Mirror, but then ignoring it anyways.

I believe that’s what you call a

If any weapon is allowed then we are actively adding brand new info to the canon, that goes beyond the realm of giving existing characters and things an appearance.

Some may be fine with that, but I believe TTV is trying to avoid that level of canonization.


I don’t see how lacking a weapon constitutes ignoring DM, or implies a difference between the two. A canon Tuyet with no weapon is just a canon appearance of Tuyet… with no weapon. It leaves the canon in the exact same state it is in now: maybe she wielded a BB, or maybe not. It doesn’t give an answer at all.

So basically: if a Tuyet wins with no weapon, that fits with Dark Mirror. If a Tuyet wins with a BB, that fits too. It’s only if she has a non-BB weapon are we ignoring Dark Mirror, and that is what would be disallowed.

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How would canonizing Tuyet with an axe be adding information that canonizing her with the Barbed Broadsword wouldn’t also add? If the sword is optional, then we would be recognizing that Prime Tuyet’s weapon is independent of the one in Dark Mirror, and is therefore currently unknown. In that case, canonizing the sword would be adding a specification to her weapon that wasn’t known before the contest, as would canonizing Tuyet with an axe, or nunchucks.

And if allowing any weapon really does add new info, then how are we going to deal with characters like the Yesterday Quest Toa, whose Toa Tools are definitely unknown?

How? Tuyet’s Toa Tool is part of her appearance, is it not? And if it’s not, then how do you justify the canonization of the appearance of Helryx’s mace, since it’s “not part of her appearance”?

It doesn’t, necessarily, but it would be ignoring all of the past contests, which required inclusion of the character’s full armament.

By recognizing Dark Mirror as being relevant to the appearance of Prime Tuyet, we are recognizing that Prime Tuyet should wield the same weapon, and that, by the rules of the past contests, it should be mandated.

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As of now we know that a form of tuyet used the barbed broadsword.
Some believe that means the prime tuyet uses one, some don’t.

There is no definitive answer, and considering what happened the last time the fandom got TTV to pester greg with a question of this type we likely wont be getting one.

Regardless, there is a canonical basis for any depiction of tuyet with a barbed sword. It’s in dispute but this contest is the chance to settle that dispute.

If someone were to give her an axe as you suggested there would be no canonical basis beyond the interpretation that the barbed broad sword was not prime tuyet’s weapon. Nowhere in canon is there any suggestion of her wielding an axe.

you’re misinterpreting what I meant. Yes a characters weapon is part of their appearance but in this case you would be inventing a weapon that does not currently exist, which obviously will be fine when we get to characters with no stated weapon (yesterday quest toa) but in this case since there is a disputed canon toa tool a compromise is ideal


This is where we disagree, on the relevance of this fact.

This contest is to determine the appearance of Prime Tuyet, not the best amalgamation of all of her versions. The appearance of these alternate versions should have no effect on the prime version unless they are known to be the same in some aspect; in that case, we should mandate that this known aspect be the same, while all other aspects of the alternate are ignored.

In the case of the sword, Dark Mirror Tuyet’s weapon shouldn’t matter unless it is decided to be the same as Prime Tuyet’s, in which case it should be mandated, just as tools have been for the last three contests.

No, I don’t think I am. You said it yourself:

Why is it okay for the Yesterday Quest Toa, but not for Tuyet? If it is decided that Dark Mirror Tuyet’s weapon is not indicative of Prime Tuyet’s weapon, then she is in the exact same boat as Orde, Zaria, and Chiara of having an unknown weapon.

because the YDQ toa don’t have any disputed weapons that already exist in canon.

Tuyet does, and in the interest of as many voters being happy with the outcome as possible a compromise is ideal

admittedly I misspoke when I said

as the compromise would only allow for two options:

maintaining the status quo, we don’t know tuyet’s weapon, and fans are free to stick to whichever interpretation they prefer


Confirming the interpretation that has a basis in canon (she has the sword)

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My problem with the Barbed Broadsword is how to actually give it barbs. Would it be possible to allow a non-Barbed Broadsword in the MOC portion, then have a Barbed one in the art portion?

The problem is that for some, empress Tuyet weapon should be the same as prime Tuyet, and for others not necessarily. Having a Tuyet with a different weapon would screw the first group, meanwhile a weaponless Tuyet would leave space for interpreation of each one.

But this is a canon contest and we are trying to leave nothing for interpreation, so a weapon should be mandated and that one would become prime Tuyet weapon. Personally I prefer it to be the barbed broadsword, but I think we could make a poll to know what the community prefer: bb or any Toa tool.

I don’t like the idea of changing the weapon in the art portion, since it would result in something that can’t be constructed.

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Honestly, I’m beginning to see this as a feature, not a bug. The community will decide whether they value the stone and sword as part of Tuyet’s design.

But this I agree with. I don’t want to leave any grey areas here. We should mandate a tool of some kind.


I’ve seen some people make their own custom barbed broadswords. It just takes some creativity.

If you don’t want to make one from scratch, there’s always existing BIONICLE pieces to choose from, though stretching the definition of broadsword. Some people use Lewa Phantoka’s sword. I’ve personally alway envisioned it as a silver Krika leg piece but that’s just me.


welp the Hagah contest results have been released.


I like them but i’m really not looking forward to painting parts
unless the paints are wash-off but i don’t think those exist


yeah same here. So much for the results being purist


spraypaint won’t be such a problem to acquire, though the 3D printed masks will


I’m planning to get them casted instead. I am aware how expensive it will be but I’m more comfortable with having a part I can use again without damaging its colors.