BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

Welp now that the contests have ended I might as well post my Tuyet…


She already is a fan of Lariska, she ships them


I know, I just thought her reaction would be funny

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you wanna THIS?


That is cursed


Since the contests are officially over, Here’s everything I’ve done.







I’m really sad to see the contests go, but I’m trying to look on the bright side here. As MOCists and artists, we’re all finally free. No more restrictions, no more deadlines, no more competition. Every MOC, drawing and mask design is now equally (non) canon! The endless debates are finally over, the anti-contest camp basically won, Meso and Eljay can finally rest. It really sucks to see it all end like this, but there are evidently worse things that could happen.

It’s been a joy bickering with y’all, as much as I hate to admit it. And it’s really funny to see all the wars waged on sword prongs and female proportions were all done in vain.


Maybe Eljay and Meso convinced Lego to fire Greg so they could stop managing these contests :sweat_smile:


This is kinda disappointing, I won’t lie, especially because it feels like an unearned vindication for all the people who actively went out of their way to undercut the contests at every turn
But as someone who mainly supported them for the community aspect, and was planning to enter into the Lariska race when that came around, maybe this is for the best overall. I never really subscribed to the idea that these were stomping on headcanons or whatever, (goodness knows I ignore my fair share of Factually Confirmed stuff that I just don’t care for already, I was never a lore purist) but maybe this marks an end for “canon” as we know it. From here on out, it’s all down to fandom and interpretation and the like, and we can just have fun without getting bogged down by the nitty-gritty details.

At least until G3 comes out twenty-odd years from now lol

At any rate, I think the important thing here is Greg himself. It’s a disappointing decision on Lego’s part given how long he’s been with them, but I hope he can land on his feet, and this frees him up to work independently and pursue other opportunities. Thank you, Greg, for everything. Even the stuff I didn’t care for, I still respect the love and dedication that went into it, and the impact it all had on me as a person to grow up with it.

My Lariska still needs some work, (needs arms, really) but I’m definitely thinking of posting her regardless of the contests, once I’m satisfied with where she’s at.


As a bit of a side note, I’m honestly surprised Mavrah wasn’t on this list, especially considering how many other more minor Matoran were included.


probably because we know exactly what he looks like. At least with most of these other matoran mask choice and specific color choice are still open to entrants.


So does this mean that now catgirl lariska will never be noncanon?


Tragically, yes


thats like saying “tragically I won a million dollars”

altho it is tragic that we lost greg he doesnt deserve this


This isn’t the first time I’ve heard someone say this (I might have even said it myself at one point), but I’m still not sure where it comes from. As far as I can find, all we know about Mavrah is that he wears a purple Pakari, with the implication that it is in the same shape as Onepu’s.

I suppose you could argue that we also “know” he has a Metrutoran build, but that same body-type argument could also be applied to any of those other Matoran, with the exception of the Builder Of The Toa Canisters.

Plus, even if we do know a bit more about Mavrah’s appearance than that of the other Matoran, I’m still surprised he wasn’t included due to his contributions to the story: Mavrah’s appearance in the novels was comparable in length to those of the Mahritoran, if not more; Kodan and Ihu never actually appeared in the story, even in flashbacks; and the Builder’s appearance was obviously far more brief than Mavrah’s.

Plus Mavrah was maybe being set up to be an important character once more in the serials.

EDIT: I just remembered we did see Kodan once in Dark Mirror, though it was an alternate version.


I think she misread it as Lariskat will never be canon. That’s how I misread it.


larisknyaaaaa will always be canon in our hearts


Kinda bummed out that @Bukkey’s orde will never have the chance to become canon. :cry:


Yeah, I gotta agree there. It’s true that his design is mostly known, but he still feels significantly more relevant and worth including than Lein.

This is often said in exaggerated jest, but in his case, it’s fully true: Literally the only thing he ever did was die.


While I don’t particularly care about what Lein looked like (though again, I wouldn’t complain if he got a contest anyways), I would have been interested to see if we could finally get an Agori design that actually depicts them as organic, rather than just reusing/redrawing mechanical-looking Bionicle parts.


Rider, i thank you
you have made my life complete
on a serious note these contests where far from perfect. But they where fun and they gave the community more life. There are things that annoyed me, like how we wasted months arguing about what way the barbs on tuyets sword will face or what metru build is. But at the end of the day we got artakka, hoseryx and the hagah. these contests where far from easy and i applaud @Eljay and @Mesonak 's efforts.we got memes and a couple of cool mocs for our favourite characters
mabye we could just host fan - canon contests, i dont know
and finally
Good luck Greg