BIONICLE G1 Canon Contests Discussion & Questions

I’d prefer if the discussion can be kept to our official topics, otherwise it gets too difficult to keep track and to moderate.


I hate to pose this question again, but I’ve been ignored and I’m not trying to be difficult. I’m just seeking clarification.

I have a question about 8a that may seem somewhat arbitrary, but I feel like it has some canon precedent. The 2002 Tahu Nuva’s flame swords (Part 44035) were cut and used on one of the fan-designed Dark Hunters in the DH book. Said Dark Hunter is named “Charger,” and his version of the flame blades have the flames cut off. Would these modified blades be acceptable for this contest because of their previous usage in a canon character?

And for 8c, this may have been answered, but are capes that we’ve made inappropriate? I have many colours that came from t-shirts I cut up as a kid.

It says that ‘non-Lego cloth’ is not allowed. That would include custom capes.

This is not a precedent we are following. As stated here:


They are not allowed. As you mentioned, 8c:


@Eljay Thank you for the clarification on 8a. 8c I was fairly sure of the answer, but 8a I thought there was margin for some wiggle room, and that’s why I asked. I appreciate you getting back to me.


Never got an answer for this one, and it is very important, sorry for additional disturbance and for large picture, don’t know how to chage its size in quote mode:

Also, I’ ve kinda gathered up some other questions (sorry if answered):

  • What about art parts for contests for charecters without masks? Will they be held at all?
  • Will there be any chages in art parts for future contets like (just an example) separate mask contest, or rules are already settled in stone?
  • What additional guidelines/rules will be used for each contest? I mean counterparts for those of Helryx like “model should be blue, have a mace and a shield…”. In order to prepare my MOCs for future contests I need to know them all, or at least the ones for the very next contest.
  • Will times for entering a contest change? I personnaly would like them to be longer (at least for the art part).

Thank you much!


Masks and weapons only.

I believe so.

We’re still discussing that, though right now we are leaning toward our current method. We’re still seeking feedback and a proposition that satisfies a lot of different needs, such as time and comprehension.

You would be best to start researching the characters, then.

MOC and Art contest entry periods will be 2 weeks, with voting (if everything goes well) lasting about a week.


I’ve been thinking a lot about the various priorities people have during the contests, especially the Toa Hagah. It led me to wonder if there was a justifiable opportunity to canonise the Pehkui, and also about how Greg said he was open to fan suggestions on what masks Orde and Zaria would wear.

The moment I put the two together it seemed obvious. Zaria’s kind were hunted down by Makuta, and he likely spent a long time in hiding from both the Brotherhood, and society at large once rumour spread about his murdering. The mask of Diminishment would have allowed him to literally hide away easily.

This could fit into his ongoing character arc as well. Either in that his instinct is to shrink away from groups rather than risk their judgement; or conversely he might have been hiding for so long, he may have become reluctant to use it, associating it with shame.

It would make sense as to why he didn’t readily use it in the early chapters of TYQ, and could also have been symbolic of his arc from outcast to active team member.

…Plus we get our canon Pehkui. Everyone wins!

Or not, just a thought!


This is insanely good writing!

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Not doubting this but, source?

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I know that painting pieces is allowed but would it hurt the chance of an entry that does this? Some entries for the helryx contest had nonexistent colors for pieces yet none moved on to other rounds as far as I recall.

Oh boy I’m glad it’s not Lariska-my moc is not quite there yet…Artakha should be interesting viewing from the sidelines.

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Since Artakha is next, what’s the plan for his colors? Since some have interpreted gray-green as gray and green rather than grayish green armor, I think it would be better if this is discussed sooner rather than later so that entrants aren’t caught by surprise.

While I personally don’t mind sand green or olive green for Artakha and teal for Lariska, mainly because I’ve seen mocs that use these colors well, I understand why some may be concerned. Initially, I was skeptical of using these colors until I saw some mocs by BrickPharaoh, Steele, Jerac, Hlebobas, and Marius. To me, this shows that quality mocs with grayish-green armor are feasible. I imagined Artakha with gray and either sand green or olive green highlights as it fits both community interpretations.

Is there a chance that Marendar and the GSB will be moved up as well? Lariska was bumped up by one or two contests in the poll while Marendar and the GSB were ahead of their initial placement by four. Consistently moving all three up will certainly reduce the inevitable burnout caused by having six to seven Toa contests straight.


Teal is often used on Lariska because that is her canon colour. ‘Dark teal’, to be specific. I suppose that the ‘dark’ modifier could leave room for discussion of what constitutes ‘dark teal’, rather than just defaulting to the Kongu colour.

As for Artakha, I believe Greg has confirmed that he meant a single colouration of grayish-green, not two separate colours. There is still quite a bit of wiggle room on how to best represent that colour though.

Also, I think it would be valid, perhaps even preferable, to have gray-green armour as a main colour, with another armour colour as a secondary. Preferably gunmetal, in my opinion, but that’s for the builders to decide.

EDIT: Found it: (Plus bonus Lariska detail)

EDIT 2: Just for kicks, I found a colour mixer online and mixed green, white, and black at a 1:1:1 ratio:Screenshot (85)

At a 2:3:3 ratio, the result is very close to sand green:

Screenshot (86)

This is the ballpark we should be dealing with.


Not currently, no. We moved Lariska up to have a better break in between the Toa contests, so now there are no more than five Toa in a row.

In terms of contests, Artakha is next and (if everything goes well) should end on or around October 15th. After that, a three week break and then the Hagah contest, which is a single contest for the four of them. Then Tuyet, and the Lariska. So the real question here is whether or not The Yesterday Quest Toa will be in one group or not.

We will consider adding a couple extra, non-Toa characters to this list. We’ll need to run them by Greg first, of course. It wouldn’t be all of them (since we’re still planning on a second list, not just expanding this one), but possibly two. I was thinking a Makuta and a Matoran, but Meso and I will need to talk it over.


Well I certainly hope this goes well, sounds exciting to me :blush:


Is the three week break really necessary? I understand the need for a break and I’m all for it, but three weeks seems a little… too long? Which in turn makes these contests really dragged out, taking over 2 years to be done with only the first (!) batch of characters. I wouldn’t mind shortening it to two weeks.

The break is immensely important. Primarily, it’s a break for us who run the contests, as these add great strain to our lives, having to manage them and deal with issues as they arise, in addition to the pressure of the greater community. Additionally, they allow us to garner feedback and let everyone relax and think about how the last contest went.

So yes, the three week break is absolutely necessary. We’re people too.


wait a minute …


so if people grow up and don’t cause as many issues as in the first contest, would be breaks be shortened?