BIONICLE Headcanons

my headache has progressed into a migraine


My thoughts on a G1/G2 connection (which I may expand upon later in the dedicated topic) is that the Shadow Realm from G2 is a pocket dimension that the Great Beings eventually stumbled upon, and they later used this knowledge to access, or even create, other pocket dimensions and alternate realities. The important part, though, is that when they found the Shadow Realm, Makuta was somehow able to influence the prime dimension, either directly or indirectly, through some method that I have yet to puzzle out.

Honestly, though, I wouldn’t put it past the Great Beings to just straight-up work directly with Makuta.

[I started this draft a while ago, but I see now that this is basically what @Wekua said above]

I kind of considered this, but the problem is that we know that there are alternate universes, presumably with the same past as the prime universe, where the Makuta never betrayed Mata Nui. Whatever G2 Makuta did to influence the G1 Makuta, it would have to be something extremely subtle, with success hinging on some tiny, almost random detail.

Yeah, that was basically my thought as well. Of course if this is true, that means that the Uniters are still out there somewhere, which could prove interesting to the future of the story.

(Could the Elemental Creatures still be out there too? Did the Great Beings find them?)

The last G1/G2 connection idea I have is the Kanohi. Simply put, I propose that the Kanohi were an attempt to recreate the Masks of Power from ancient times, but the Great Beings couldn’t quite get it right and their artificial masks could only work on their artificial lifeforms.

Again, this could have interesting implications for the future if anyone were to ever discover Okotan ruins and/or lost mask-making techniques.


The Great Beings were not just scientist kings, they were cultists trying to summon their lost gods

Perhaps a secondary sub-mission for Mata Nui was to seek out where the Masters go when they return to the stars

Perhaps that subtlety was necessary, to keep the other GBs off the trail

Also this could explain why the Rahkshi and Visorak were preprogrammed into the Antidermis to begin with- an effort to assure redundant horde armies for the Dark Lord Makuta to conquer Spherus Magna (and later other worlds) without just smashing it to death with his gigantic feet.


Love doesn’t exist in the MU, so all pre-09 Bionicle characters are aroace


In general, I think it would be an interesting development in the Masters/Uniters were to return to Spherus Magna at some point in the future of this hypothetical story continuation.

It could be done by someone finding the incantation to summon them in some Okotan ruins, but it would also be very funny if, as you suggested, the Great Beings just skipped all that and manually retrieved them.


Imagine the craziness of the Toa Nuva meeting essentially clones of themselves… that would be a very interesting story.

Also, what does this mean?


Aroace is an abbreviation of aromantic and asexual, used to describe people who are both of the above


Ah, thanks. I see how that could be an accurate description of those characters now…


Headcanon: Nektann’s vision power is the ability to dehydrate targets. Similar to how Hakann can project his heat vision on a non-lethal wide-beam or instantly obliterate targets, Nektann can modulate the intensity of his eyebeams: at low intensity, it causes a torturous thirst; at high intensity it reduces targets to dust like the Boggarak’s Rhotuka.


One of my HCs: All residents of Spehrus Magna have dark purple blood.
IDK why, but I like to imagine their blood in that color.

So, yeah…


This is a good idea for a vision power; it fits well with the official ones.

I can get behind this.

As a bonus “cool factor”, there are some real-life animals that have purple blood, and it turns transparent when it’s deoxygenated.

I also have a new idea about this:

This could be explained by another headcanon I may have discussed here before.

My idea is that the G1 Makuta were a single entity; the pool of Antidermis was “The Makuta” (which would have been influenced by G2 Makuta, as per the above discussion), and Mata Nui later created the 100 individual Makuta from this pool, each with a portion of The Makuta’s mind and personality.

With this idea, Teridax’s decision to betray Mata Nui could hinge on him simply getting a slightly different random portion of the Antidermis.

While I’m discussing the idea that the Antidermis was a single entity, I also propose that, when the Makuta chose to betray Mata Nui, they physically removed the portions of themselves that were aware of Mata Nui’s true purpose and returned it to the pool, hence why Brutaka gained this knowledge when he absorbed it.


Absolutely unhinged Skrall headcanon comin’atcha, along with a little summation of some research I did today.

This realization was prompted by someone on Discord expressing confusion about the state of the various sapient species on Spherus Magna. To my understanding, there were four species: the “Glatorian species”, the Agori, the Skrall, and the “Bone Hunter species”. I personally was not sure about whether the various classes of Skrall - leader-class, elite-class, and warrior-class - constituted different species in their own right. This question led me (and a few others, namely Keplers, Toa Skello, and Wolk) down a very strange rabbit hole of Greg quotes.

The first relevant quote that Wolk found said that the different classes of Skrall are essentially sub-species, though the usage of this term was definitely not in accordance with its definition in human evolutionary science. We settled on considering different classes of Skrall to be different “breeds”, so to speak, thanks in part to this quote, also found by Wolk:

2. You mentioned that female Skrall aren’t part of the three classes? So can we conclude there is another class, and if so, what is it?
2) Females

This quote is further reinforced by a quote that says that there were never any female leader-class Skrall, once again found by Wolk. (FWIW, I have a tiny headcanon attached to this, that the Skrall have a system of four main biological sexes as opposed to the human system of two main biological sexes. Essentially, there’s three male sexes - warrior, elite, and leader - and one female sex, with which they are all compatible.)

Mildly related tangent time - Magnan reproduction. Don’t worry, this will get relevant. And I’m not gonna make it graphic.

According to Greg, the Agori and the “Glatorian species” are capable of reproduction in the same way as mammals - to avoid colliding with any rules I’m going to leave what that means up to the reader. I bring this up for a couple reasons - first of all, I will remind you that Glatorian and Agori are extremely long-lived. Certavus died of old age at around 250,000 years old, and Raanu is at least 265,000 years old. Despite this, though, Bara Magna by the time of Mata Nui’s arrival had around 1500 Agori, and less than 100 Glatorian (excepting Skrall and Vorox). I could not find an answer for the number of Skrall, but there’s a lot of them.


So, in the 100 millennia since the Shattering, there hasn’t really been a population boom in any of the tribes - even the Skrall and Vorox are just the ones who were already native to Bara Magna beforehand. We know there hasn’t been one among the Skrall because Tuma is the last of the leader class.

One more note about reproduction and this headcanon can finally begin. Despite the Sisters of the Skrall being in exile from the Rock Tribe’s homeland, they still convene with the male side of the Rock Tribe every year in order to copulate. So, what gives? If every one of the potentially thousands of Skrall was fathering a child every year for 100,000 years, where are the millions of resultant babies?

You may already be able to tell where this is going. How does a species that lives in the barren mountains above a planet-wide desert that reproduces every single year manage to not only keep its standing army afloat, but never explode in population? The answer is simple: they’re eating the babies.

That will be all. Thank you!




Awesome :goo:


I believe the Vorox are also considered a separate species due to the Great Beings’s genetic tampering.

On that same note, though, I’ve never understood why the Bone Hunters are considered a separate species. They’re a fragment of former Rock Agori that broke off from the Rock Tribe some time ago, but, as far as I know, it’s not like they’ve been reproducing; all the Bone Hunters should still be Agori. Even if there have been multiple generations of Bone Hunters, I don’t see how they could have changed that much.

While I personally wouldn’t consider these to be separate “sexes”, per se, I think it definitely makes sense that they are genetically distinct in the same way (and I also can’t really think of any other word to use).

Previously, the idea of “classes” never quite made sense to me from a species standpoint, as physical traits such as size and strength could vary greatly by pure genetic lottery; consistently breeding “Leader-class” Skrall, for example, would require a record of parental lineage and/or excessive inbreeding, especially if the females don’t have a class.

However, if each of the male classes is considered a separate “sex”, then any male Skrall would be a “pureblood” member of his father’s class, regardless of his mother’s ancestors. In terms of human biology, this “class gene” would have to be located on the y chromosome, but it’s a bit of a leap to assume that the same genetic model applies to Spherus Magnans.

This also got me thinking about other tangents as well. For example, it’s been implied that, despite being different species, Glatorian and Skrall are able to have children together. If we look at this through the lens of the Skrall having four distinct “sexes”, might it be possible that only some of these classes/sexes are capable of reproducing with Glatorian? Since the male “sexes” are far more specialized than the single female class, it seems entirely plausible that a Skrall-Glatorian hybrid could only be made with a female Skrall and a male Glatorian.

The same thinking would apply to a Skrall-Vorox hybrid. The possibility of such a hybrid, though (along with a Glatorian-Vorox hybrid), is probably dependent on the exact nature of the Vorox’s genetic modifications, rather than the sex of either parent.

The possibility of an existing character having Skrall ancestry is also interesting, most specifically Gresh; he’s got the least Skrall-like personality out of pretty much any 2009 character, so it could be interesting to see how both he and the Skrall deal with that.


Really good find on that quote! Thank you


I have to update my headcanon explaining the male Ga-Matoran student given some new information I have found out. It seems the “blue characters are female” rule does not apply on Stelt. Since Stelt does have a population of Matoran, it is my headcanon that a male Ga-Matoran visited Metru Nui for education in Ga-Metru school, back when MN was still connected to other islands and welcomed visitors or traders. After fake Dume closed-off all routes, he could not return to his home island of Stelt.


That makes sense, given that we later got Vezok and the other blue Skakdi, both of which are members of a species that lives in Stelt.


Really interesting reading of that quote. Not how I would have taken it, but I like it.


Zakaz, right? Anyway, the Skakdi were not originally elementally affiliated species, so the rule is forgiven for them.

How woud you interpret it, I’m interested?