Bionicle Island of Lost Masks New Details + Discussion

So as you may or may not have seen on the Bionicle 2015 thread, I got the new Bionicle Island of Lost Masks book on the Barnes and Noble website before it was officially released. So I thought I’d fill y’all in on some of the details.

The book:

  • The story is 119 pages long, including pages dedicated to pictures of
    the Toa’s masks before every chapter
  • One page I randomly chose had 139 words, so I’m sure that’s about how many there are on every page.
  • The book is partially illustrated with pictures of the MoC and the Masks of Power
  • When there is a ■■■■■ in the story (change of character, time, or setting), both sections are separated by a word in the new Okoto language. Since the letters are similar in style to the English alphabet, I can make out the the following names: Lewa, Pohatu, Tahu, Gali, Onua, Kopaka, Makuta, and Ekimu (not necessarily in that order)
  • Some of the dialogue is word-for-word that of the online animations
  • Ryder Windham seems to prioritize action and exposition over creating unique characters and humor, which is a big ■■■■■ from Greg Farshtey’s style.
  • The writing seems about appropriate for 3rd to 5th graders, a step down from what we’re used to, but still enjoyable
  • The story expands slightly upon what we’ve seen already online
  • When describing the search for the masks, the point of view shifts to different Toa/Protectors at different points of their journey
  • At no point does Kopaka slip. I goes he really didn’t slip.

References to Generation 1

  • The Mask of Time is mentioned, but not described
  • Like in Gen 1 the Toa all arrive with no memory
  • Unity is frequently mentioned, and Duty and Destiny are prominently featured in the last line of the book
  • Onua kind of saves Lewa, but he does it with the support of the other toa
  • (My personal favorite) When Lewa says he feels a breeze, Kopaka sarcastically replies “What are you? The Master of Air?”

The following section contains potential spoilers. Read at you own risk

The Cliffs Notes version of the story:
Bingzak in trouble. Nilkuu saves Bingzak. Bingzak happy. Protectors go to Temple of Time. Recite prophecy that does not rhyme. I’m disappointed. Toa come down from sky. No idea who they are. Fight spiders. Protectors start journey. Fight spiders. Arrive at mask shrines. Fight spiders. Get golden masks. Fight spiders. Toa hear voices in their head and go to big city. Fight big spider. Toa win. Unity! Toa go in. Skull Warriors attack. Onua breaks things. Lewa goes to arena because plot. Skull Slicer steals mask. Toa beat him. Onua breaks things. Fall to bottom of arena. Find themselves in graveyard, because city design and urban planning. Fight Skull Scorpios. Scorpios steal Pohatu’s mask. Lewa beats Scorpios. Toa go to Ekimu’s tomb. Use elemental energy to wake up Ekimu. Oh no! Skull Grinder wants to melt Mask of Creation because character motivations. Toa and Ekimu go to forge. Fight Skull Basher. Skull Basher steals Onua’s mask. Toa win. Toa get pwned by Skull Grinder. Still manage to distract him long enough while Ekimu rebuilds his hammer. Ekimu beats Skull Grinder. Toa live happily until next time.
Story details the book gives us

  • Kopaka’s mask has a telescopic feature
  • Bingzak is not integral to the story
  • The various regions of Okoto vary so much because of the shockwave when Ekimu beat Makuta (One region is devastated and becomes a desert, one region is covered by a glacier, and an earthquake causes landmasses to ■■■■■ and create volcanoes, cause land to sink and become a marsh, or cause obsidian to jut out. Only a jungle region is left untouched)
  • Most of the cities on Okoto are also destroyed by this shockwave
  • Makuta is asleep, but is believed to be conscious to some degree (the book mentions his spirit)
  • The Lord of Skull Spiders is believed to be under the control of Makuta
  • It is said that once a skull spider takes control of a person’s mask, it controls him until the LoSS is defeated
  • Many villagers have been captured and are under the control of LoSS
  • Skull Scorpios exist outside of the City of the Mask Makers, and are apparently wild creatures unless controlled by a skull mask
  • Skull Grinder is never referred to as “Kulta”
  • Protectors don’t seem to be the sole leaders of their tribe, as tribal elders are also mentioned
  • The protectors’ species seem to age, unlike Matoran, as Ekimu is described as “old”
  • It is implied that the Golden Masks were placed on shrines by the Protectors
  • The Protectors cannot wear the Golden Masks as they are too powerful
  • Onua is the only Toa that uses elemental energy is any capacity, where he destroys rocks without using his hammer
  • Onua’s hammer can only be formed after he obtains his gold mask
    -The Protectors only called on the Toa after they realized they couldn’t adequately protect their people
  • The City of the Mask Makers is located in the Jungle Region
  • It is implied that the Temple of Time is in the Jungle Region as well
  • Summoning the Toa not only requires reciting a prophecy, but also placing the Mask of Time in a “pool of mystical light”

That’s all I can think of for now. I’ll add stuff if I can remember. In the meantime, feel free to ask me any questions.