Bionicle memes

Generally speaking, if it’s a meme without an obvious creator, just assume that Satan was responsible for its creation and credit it as such.

In all seriousness, we’re currently working on coming up with some way to deal with giving credit to original creators, and we’ll take this into consideration as well. If possible, let’s leave this topic to its original…unholy purpose…instead of debating it here…

…although to be perfectly honest, this argument probably improves the worth of this topic immensely.

Sorry I’m done.



How about this: If it’s not your stuff you made, source it. Same goes with school papers. If you’re going to use an image or article that you did not make, give the source.

Plagerism is a crime, so please source your images you find!

Thank you!


Like I said, Ill try and post the links to the creators in my future posts but Im not going to do that to my past entries because of the hassle of that job (I posted quite a lot of them in one go from various sources that I cant find now).

Sad that I have to repeat myself here.

I’m not telling you to do anything, other than please find another place to debate the merits of meme rules.


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Alrighty fellows, here’s the scoop.

So, right now, yeah. If you use an image that someone else made, go ahead and source it. There isn’t a huuuge issue here as no one claimed it as their own.

Just source if ya know, mention it ain’t yours if ya don’t. Simple as that!

All good? I’d hope so…


Even though meme in their nature should not have a source creator. They should be that popular to not give a thing about that. Putting a creator to those memes kinda defeats the purpose of that which is sharing and spreading its use. But then again theres the art ones which should be, so its a split situation :T

Dont ruin the fun of this thread with “plagerism” whats nots, that really wasnt the point of it anyways. Nobody here is taking credit for anything. They are just sharing any meme they find on the internet here (sorta like a Onu-Metru Archive of meme goodness).


I think what Pot8o’s takes issue with is people just posting memes others made with little to no words in the post.
A post with no effort, I would think of it as.


Yeah, I think in this case it boils down to some being art that someone else made. I can understand that, but all in all I see this as more of a guideline when it comes to art. If nothing else, it allows the artists name to be a little more well known so other people may enjoy more of their work. =)

Either way, this works for now. Just keep going on making memes, guys. =P


Pictures can be memes too, thats how they usually start. You take a funny picture, post it, and someone doodles it a bit more.

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Alright guys, we’re done with this conversation. Decision has been made, so if you wish to continue this discussion, please take it to a personal conversation.

Thank you!


no clue who made the original picture. I made the meme


Woah that’s insane…


Autotoa, Transform and Element Out!


I moved 2 posts to an existing topic: Bionicle Captions

“Transform into Adrenaline mode and Fly/surf/walk/whatever out”


(Link source:


Romance is canon in the new generation, established in the early animations


Fire Villager couple from the first episode approve of this post.


You mean these two?


What about the Ta-Matoran couple in Mask of Light?

Or does the “Love isn’t canon” thing only apply to hetero Matoran? He-Matoran?

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