Just an old moc I have, hope you guys like it. He’s named Mercury because his helm is based off of the roman gods helm
Youtube Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8v8osnLS0k
Youtube Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6LvlUMxePqU
All the pictures are not uploaded.
Yeah sorry fixing that now
@IonicNova good, and other then that it is a really cool moc. Nice work.
That is Amazing
and I never knew Orange and Black worked so well
looks really cool I love the hat/helmet thing
Helm* Its based off of Hermes/Mercury’s helm (the greek/roman god)
The textures do seem to clash a bit and the orange could be distributed better, but the build is great.
Nice work!
i love the head build
Really nice
I LOVE it.
Man the build looks so solid, I love it. Awesome work!!
I love it.
I want a helmet with wings now. Never thought it would look so beautiful on a MOC.
of course you would upload the dabbing photo.
Lol… whats so wrong about it?
@Denmark Wait, are you Justin Chance
Edited for double-post -legomaster
Very nice!
I’ve never been a big fan of eyeless MOCs, but this guy pulls everything else off really well that it doesn’t I can look over the lack of any real face. The solid colour blocking! The unique helmet! Those sweet back wings (I dunno why, but I really dig them)! All the little details! And those glorious custom limbs! Also, I dabbing BIONICLE. I’ve never seen that before.
A few critiques:
- The orange chest armour and upper leg armour doesn’t flow with the rest of the MOC motif-wise. The chest especially stops this from being a “really amazing MOC” for me.
- The gears in the middle of the legs stick out just a tad too much IMO
- The weapons are really cool, but they look oddly bent to me. What kind of swords were you trying to emulate?
- Your backdrop is a bit too small in a couple pics and the parts of your wall that are visible are a bit distracting.
Edit: After seeing your YouTube video, I can totally get how this guy was inspired by Fenrek. I recognise the style (he was a major inspiration to me as well).
Caught red handed.
They are meant to be “gunblades”, swords with guns built into them. The “bent” part is the handle of the gun.
Think of the redeemer from Warframe, or the gunblade from Final Fantasy:
Okay, that makes a lot more sense.